Re: [css3-break] defining forced break behavior in non-fragmented contexts

On 08/09/2012 07:37 AM, Alan Stearns wrote:
> The fragmentation module describes how forced breaks operate in a
> fragmented flow, but I do not think it makes clear what happens with
> forced breaks in non-fragmented contexts. I am assuming that
> break-before:page has no effect if the flow is not paginated. And that
> break-before:column has no effect if the flow is not in a multi-column
> element (but see below). If this is correct, this should be made explicit
> in the module.
> I would like break-before:column to create a break in a single-column,
> paginated flow. Pagination creates columns of text, so it makes sense to
> me to honor an author's intent to place something at the top of a column
> by placing it at the top of a page. I know this suggestion was not
> well-received the last time I brought this up, but I'm still unclear on
> why.

Added as an issue to the spec, along with the following proposed wording:

   | When a forced break occurs, it forces ensuing content into the next
   | fragmenter of the type associated with the break, breaking through
   | as many fragmentation contexts as necessary until the specified break
   | types are all satisfied. If the document is not fragmented (e.g. in
   | continous media when no fragmenting features such as multi-column
   | layout are used), then the forced break has no effect.

Think about that, and let me know if that's what we want. Alternatively
I can just define column breaks to be promoted to page breaks when there
is no ancestor multicol context.


Received on Monday, 13 August 2012 01:07:58 UTC