Re: [CSS21] Question on section optional recourse of the algorithm of 10.3.3

(12/08/25 7:45), "Gérard Talbot" wrote:
> No browser (explicit list: Firefox 14.0.1, Opera 12.0.1, Chrome
> 21.0.1180.81, Konqueror 4.9.0) centers the black stripe within the blue
> rectangle in both tests.

I am adding IE9 and WeasyPrint to the list. (Amaya is a bit weird. It
centers the black stripe in fixed-table-layout-001y but not the black
stripe in fixed-table-layout-001x. I think it either doesn't support
'table-layout' or belong to the list.)

> Now, if no browser use the algorithm of 10.3.3, then why should such
> possibility still be mentioned/remain in section ?
> I am for removing the whole block that starts with
> "However, if the table"
> to
> "margin-right: 2em }"

Agreed, and in fact no known implementation, browsers or non-browsers,
utilizes this possibility. Also, I have no idea why this paragraph
singles out tables in normal flow instead of just applying 10.3 in
general (for abs-pos and floated tables). Does anyone know the history here?

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Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2012 07:13:21 UTC