Re: [css3-ui][css4-ui] block-overflow property

"Tab Atkins Jr." <> writes:

> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:49 AM, Morten Stenshorne <> wrote:
>> Basically, remove as many boxes (starting from the bottom) as necessary
>> to fit the <string> box (which should be placed right after the last box
>> that was kept)? And then some blahblah about corner-cases when no boxes
>> at all can fit, and what to do when there's not even enough space for
>> the <string> box?
> Yes, that's a better way to phrase what I was trying to say.
>> Maybe something like that. Not sure what to do with floats and
>> absolutely positioned boxes, though. The current solutions (both the
>> Webkit one and the Opera one) don't have to worry about such
>> things. Then again, they don't allow for reliably specifying block and
>> inline overflow separately, if that's something that we need.
> Not sure about floats.  Abspos shouldn't be affected.

Not even if the containing block of the abspos is the very box that
specifies block-overflow? I'm not sure either. Offsets caused by
relative positioning should probably also be ignored in this step, so...

>>> I think the default stylesheet should probably apply "display: block;
>>> text-align: center;" to the pseudo.  We can let it inherit the rest of
>>> its properties from the element.
>> Adding pseudo selectors to the default stylesheet sounds a bit weird to
>> me. It's a bit like saying that CSS isn't good enough in its plain form,
>> isn't it? :)
> Not at all!  Your intuition is probably just biased by the fact that
> the 2.1 pseudo-elements are all completely generic, so we don't apply
> *anything* to them.
> The ::marker pseudo has several properties specified on it in the UA
> stylesheet, because it's meant for a specific purpose, and I've made
> most of its special abilities usable in general through some new
> properties.  ::block-ellipsis is similar - it has a specific use, and
> we can actually give good defaults for this usage.

OK. Yes, it was probably my intuition playing tricks on me.

---- Morten Stenshorne, developer, Opera Software ASA ----
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Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2012 09:28:32 UTC