Re: [cssom] .style on CSSFontFaceRule and CSSPageRule should probably not be CSSStyleDeclarations as that interface is currently defined

On 8/21/12 1:08 PM, Glenn Adams wrote:
> I would recommend against this approach (having a CSS2Properties that
> inherits from CSSStyleDeclaration). Instead, I would suggest we make use
> of one or more partial interfaces to express the additional named
> property IDL attributes.

That fails the "we don't want to expose all these things on the 
font-face descriptor 'declaration'" criterion, doesn't it?

> One possible reason to prefer a prose description is the need to have a
> spec that accommodates future named property additions. Alternatively,
> we could freeze the set of named properties (e.g., to only some or all
> of what was defined in CSS2Properties), and require other properties to
> be accessed via getPropertyValue etc.

There's nothing wrong with adding more partial interfaces if more 
properties are added if we want.  The point is that we don't really want 
an attribute called "display" on the thing that hangs off font-face 
rules.  At least I don't want it there...


Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 23:41:53 UTC