Re: [css4-images] conic gradients is misnamed possibly was(First draft of css4-images, feedback requested)

On 7/08/2012 10:02 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> * Added conic-gradient() function

If the first value is emitted then spec states that it defaults to 'at 
center'. As I understand so far, the cone appearance would not happen.

What I imagine you would have are solid color blocks (or transition of 
interpolation) that fan around the center. This demo by Divya [2] could 
be done with only two gradients. One would be a radial gradient (layered 
on top) but the other gradient is not what I would describe as something 
of a cone shape.

You could even create gradients that look like a fan.


Alan Gresley

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2012 13:06:02 UTC