Re: Pseudo-element proposal

I love that this is available in JS, a few of us have been proposing
that this is an excellent way to get things rolling, etc...

However, even in another thread today we were discussing prefixing,
forward compatibility, etc. and I feel like suggesting that this would
be even better if it did not try to literally polyfill something in
the native space which may or may not be implemented in the future
with similar/partial APIs or differences.  Does anyone else think that
it might be better to prefix the experimental pseudos?  In other
words, instead of:

::nth-last-pseudo(column, odd)

It would be something like...

::-x-nth-last-pseudo(column, odd)

I suppose see related threads for all of the rationale, but this
creates a nice author opt-in model which is clearly emulated at this
early phase -- shouldn't break when native are available even if there
are differences, etc...


On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
> Dear www-style,
> We at Adobe have started working on a new specification extracting the
> notion of Pseudo-Element from the Selectors REC and extending it to
> allow multiple "before" and "after" pseudo-elements created by one
> single element. This is useful for effects like the ones collected in
> but can serve other purposes like creating boxes for CSS Regions.
> It will also simplify the level 4 Selectors spec, separating
> the notion and grammar of pseudo-elements from their syntax and
> rendering definitions.
> The proposal is available at
> 4-pseudoelements.html
> We have implemented a JavaScript-based prototype to allow us to
> validate the syntax. The code is available at
> and demos based on that prototype are available at
> We expect discussion about this proposal to happen during
> the forthcoming CSS WG face-to-face meeting in San Diego
> and will happily respond to all feedback sent to www-style
> with a leading "[css4-pseudos] " in the subject line.
> Best regards,
> Razvan Caliman, Adobe Systems, Inc.
> Daniel Glazman, Disruptive Innovations SAS
> Alan Stearns, Adobe Systems, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2012 18:53:18 UTC