Re: [css-variables] Different syntax for variable definition and use

|  It's still using a function *and* a prefix, when you only need one.

True, but both have different meaning. The first one means 'use' the 
following property while the second one means'this is a custom property'. 
Also, if we use something like 'outline-color: self.background-color' you 
don't have any prefix except a 'self.'

|  No, native properties always exist, and are always valid.  If you
|  don't specify a property on an element, it gets converted to its
|  initial or inherited value at specified-value time.

Certainly and I know that :-) You didn't get my argument: flex-length 
*doesn't* exist at all. If you prefer, replace use(flex-length) by 
use(do-not-exists-lol) and you'll see my point ;-) 

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2012 18:17:39 UTC