[CSSWG][css3-values] CSS3 Values and Units Candidate Recommendation!

The CSS WG has published a Candidate Recommendation of the CSS Values and Units Module Level 3


This module covers new units like rem (like em, but always relative to
the root element’s font size) and vh (percent of viewport height) as
well as the calc(), toggle(), and attr() functional notations.

W3C encourages implementations of this module, and welcomes feedback
resulting from such implementation. Requests for new features will be
assigned to Level 4.

Significant changes since the Last Call Working Draft are listed at:


Please send any comments to this mailing list, <www-style@w3.org>, and
please, prefix the subject line with

     [css3-values] (for comments on Level 3)
     [css4-values] (for new feature requests)

For the CSS WG,

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2012 23:53:13 UTC