Re: Altering HTML attributes using CSS

|  Not necessarily.  HTML/SVG's concept of "presentation attributes" that
|  just set properties at a very low specificity is still fine.

I'm not talking about replacing attributes :-)

With something like what I tink you've in mind, we could have avoided to 
merge SVG attributes and CSS properties. Some CSS properties apply only to 
SVG elements and should not really have been CSS properties. If we had used 
a language whose syntax was similar to CSS to set SVG attributes, this would 
have been good, I think. You know, something roughly like <style 
type="text/css+svg"> * { stroke-width: 20; } </style>.

This is the aim of your proposal, right? I mean, a CSS language whose 
vocaculary would be HTML attributes instead of traditionnal CSS property 
names. Or am I missing something? 

Received on Friday, 17 August 2012 19:04:13 UTC