Re: [css3-box] run-ins: an alternative model

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:
> On 8/7/12 8:20 PM, fantasai wrote:
>>      * If a run-in is preceded by an inline box (ignoring any anonymous
>>        inline boxes containing only collapsed white space),
>>        then it forces the creation of an anonymous block boundary
>>        between it and the preceding inline.
> I'm not sure this works, for two reasons:
> 1)  In a sequence of run-ins, a previous one would trigger this for a later
> one, right?

No.  Run-ins *lay out* like inlines, but they're not inlines, and so
don't trigger that clause.  (They're inline-level.)

> 2)  "an anonymous block boundary" needs to be defined.  There are several
> different ways to do this which may not be equivalent when floats are around
> (e.g. whether anonymous blocks get nested or not).

I presume that the intended effect would be the same as if the run-in
was a block - the preceding inline content is wrapped in an anonymous


Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2012 00:43:25 UTC