Re: List of selectors under consideration for Selectors Level 4?

16.08.2012, 12:38, "Greg Houston" <>:
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:09 AM, fantasai <> wrote:
>>> šI'm particularly interested in the status of the previous sibling
>>> šcombinators and wonder if they are even on anyone's radar.
>> šI believe you're looking for
>> ššš
> I'm not sure that link relates to the combinators I mentioned. Someone
> proposed the previous sibling combinators that basically look in the
> opposite direction of the preceding sibling combinators, + and ~. I
> find myself wishing these existed on just about every UI project I
> work on. That way I could change content styling depending on if that
> content is followed by a footer or pagination for example.

That was my proposal:

That thread has been ended by nothing definite, and I'm still very hoping that previous-sibling combinator (-) will be included in CSS one day since alternative approach (using combination of subject indicator and `:matches()` that BTW are both drafts and aren't implemented yet) suggested by Tab Atkins:

is horrible (as for readability and intuitiveness in particular):

    /* Previous-sibling combinator */
    P - UL > LI

    /* Combination of subject indicator and `:matches()` */
    :matches(!UL + P) > LI

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2012 12:02:12 UTC