"Officially" deprecating main-thread synchronous XHR?
- Scott González (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Mounir Lamouri (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Jungkee Song (Saturday, 8 February)
- Olli Pettay (Saturday, 8 February)
- James Greene (Saturday, 8 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Friday, 7 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Friday, 7 February)
- David Rajchenbach-Teller (Friday, 7 February)
- Olli Pettay (Friday, 7 February)
- Travis Leithead (Friday, 7 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 7 February)
- Scott González (Friday, 7 February)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 7 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 7 February)
- David Rajchenbach-Teller (Friday, 7 February)
- Domenic Denicola (Friday, 7 February)
- Olli Pettay (Friday, 7 February)
"W3C" XHR, was Re: [admin] Draft of updated charter available for review
[admin] Draft of updated charter available for review
[admin] Headsup: f2f meeting April 10-11 in San Jose
[admin] Mapping Blink Intent to {Implement,Ship} to Recommendation milestones? [Was: Re: Fwd: [blink-dev] Intent to implement: Push API]
[admin] Please register for WebApps 10-11 April 2014 f2f meeting; deadline March 28
[admin] Reminder: March 28 is Deadline to register for April 10-11 f2f meeting
[admin] Resolved/Fixed bugs should include changeset/patch link [Was: Re: [Dom-Parsing] LC1 Comments Addressed for DOM Parsing and Serialization]
[admin] Should WebApps' HTML Templates spec be published as a WG Note?
- Rafael Weinstein (Wednesday, 12 March)
- Arthur Barstow (Wednesday, 12 March)
- Rafael Weinstein (Wednesday, 12 March)
- Yves Lafon (Tuesday, 11 March)
- Arthur Barstow (Friday, 7 March)
- Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 27 February)
- Rafael Weinstein (Thursday, 27 February)
- Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 27 February)
- Charles McCathie Nevile (Thursday, 27 February)
- Arthur Barstow (Wednesday, 26 February)
- Rafael Weinstein (Wednesday, 26 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 26 February)
- Arthur Barstow (Wednesday, 26 February)
[announce] Intent to publish a new WD of HTML Imports on March 6
[announce] Intent to publish new WD of Clipboard API and Events March 11
[Bug 12607] Let authors control redirect behavior
[Bug 13913] Attributes don't have an order
[Bug 14832] Check whether the encoding problems for query components applies to mailto: URLs and other non-HTTP URLs and see if we can change the definition of "valid URL" accordingly
[Bug 15417] Redirects and the base URL
[Bug 19878] Revert change in Close-reason-unpaired-surrogates.htm ?
[Bug 21066] Provide an event path API
[Bug 21650] Require that XHR is available in workers
[Bug 22409] Custom elements need da (microtask) hookup
[Bug 23147] Describe File API Model
[Bug 23346] Use TypeError for argument validation
[Bug 23487] Actually define going fullscreen
[Bug 23719] Consider adding pull style flow control method to Stream
[Bug 23763] Separate MIME type from Stream or not
[Bug 23853] Please clarify the interpretation of the WebIDL undefined Date in the File constructor
[Bug 23946] Lift the ban on query parts in “blob:” URIs
[Bug 23973] [Streams API] Introduce in-band error signaling
[Bug 23974] [Streams API] Don't inherit object URL feature
[Bug 23975] [Streams API] Remove read as Blob support
[Bug 23977] [Streams API] Generic object stream
[Bug 24022] [Streams API] Lazily encode write()-en DOMString
[Bug 24023] [Streams API] Returned promise of write() should be fulfilled with current available space size rather than how many bytes were written
[Bug 24042] [imports]: document.write() in imports should do nothing.
[Bug 24072] Clarify handling of neutered objects
[Bug 24074] new Worker('data:...') should not throw
[Bug 24077] second-argument-null.html worker test is incorrect
[Bug 24079] Test for initErrorEvent is invalid
[Bug 24085] Specify Selection.modify
[Bug 24087] [Custom]: Rename document.register to registerElement
[Bug 24087] [Custom]: Rename document.registerElement to defineElement
[Bug 24101] Missing word in "Return the readAsText() method, but continue to process the steps in this algorithm"
[Bug 24102] Specify the targets for events
[Bug 24106] FKA: No defined way to get keyboard focus into and out of a shadow DOM component
[Bug 24114] [imports]: add support for async loading
[Bug 24184] New: References undefined type EventHandler
[Bug 24184] References undefined type EventHandler
[Bug 24232] New: The containing block of fixpos elements in the top layer shouldn't be the ICB
[Bug 24232] The containing block of fixpos elements in the top layer shouldn't be the ICB
[Bug 24268] [imports]: Imported documents should obey CSP on master document.
[Bug 24268] New: [imports]: imported documents should obey CSP on master document.
[Bug 24287] [Shadow]: Fix indents.
[Bug 24287] New: [Shadow]: Fix indents.
[Bug 24288] [Shadow]: Revert <shadow> element as a function call feature.
[Bug 24288] New: [Shadow]: Revert <shadow> element as a function call feature.
[Bug 24314] [Custom]: enteredView and leftView callbacks are still confusing
[Bug 24314] New: [Custom]: enteredView and leftView callbacks are still confusing
[Bug 24316] New: [Shadow]: implement :ancestor and change :host behavior
[Bug 24338] New: Spec should have Fetch for Blob URLs
[Bug 24338] Spec should have Fetch for Blob URLs
[Bug 24339] File API should specify Blob.close() with a state in the model and influence on read methods
[Bug 24339] New: File API should specify Blob.close() with a state in the model and influence on read methods
[Bug 24349] [imports]: Import documents should always be in no-quirks mode
[Bug 24349] New: [imports]: Import documents should always be in no-quirks mode
[Bug 24351] [Shadow]: Event related target resolution algorithm should consider the case of multiple shadow roots.
[Bug 24351] New: [Shadow]: Event related target resolution algorithm should consider the case of multiple shadow roots.
[Bug 24398] New: [Explainer]: typo ":" should be "="
[Bug 24401] abort() should always dispatch loadend
[Bug 24401] New: abort() should always dispatch loadend
[Bug 24421] [Shadow]: Clarify that Shadow DOM spec takes care of nodes which are *inDocument*.
[Bug 24421] New: [Shadow]: Clarify that Shadow DOM spec takes care of nodes which are *inDocument*.
[Bug 24445] [Streams API] The Promise returned by write() method should tell the result of the write()
[Bug 24445] New: [Streams API] The Promise returned by write() method should tell the result of the write()
[Bug 24453] Expose interfaces to workers
[Bug 24453] New: Expose interfaces to workers
[Bug 24469] Definition of "valid blob" is unclear and probably wrong
[Bug 24469] New: Definition of "valid blob" is unclear and probably wrong
[Bug 24470] Link to #networkError in fetching section is broken
[Bug 24470] New: Link to #networkError in fetching section is broken
[Bug 24474] New: StorageQuota.requestPersistentQuota() should use [Clamp] on newQuota argument
[Bug 24474] StorageQuota.requestPersistentQuota() should use [Clamp] on newQuota argument
[Bug 24475] New: StorageQuota.supportedTypes should not use Array which is to be deprecated
[Bug 24477] New: Preparation for spec converging
[Bug 24479] New: [Streams] Bug: Unable to notify EOF after delivering the last element separately
[Bug 24481] Markup error around blob URL store
[Bug 24481] New: Markup error around blob URL store
[Bug 24523] New: Spec should mention how fullscreen works on fragmented elements
[Bug 24555] [imports]: Preceding import should block following document from processing.
[Bug 24555] New: [imports]: Preceding import should block following document from processing.
[Bug 24557] [Shadow]: The definition of focus navigation is misleading.
[Bug 24557] New: [Shadow]: The definition of focus navigation is misleading.
[Bug 24564] [Imports]: Blocking circular reference in the import tree/list
[Bug 24564] New: [Imports]: Blocking circular reference in the import tree/list
[Bug 24565] [imports]: Dependency resolution should be stated in clearer way
[Bug 24565] New: [imports]: Dependency resolution should be stated in clearer way
[Bug 24570] New: [Custom]: Callback for cloneNode/importNode
[Bug 24573] Clarify non-null Blob
[Bug 24573] New: Clarify non-null Blob
[Bug 24576] Calling URL.createObjectURL() on a closed Blob
[Bug 24576] New: Calling URL.createObjectURL() on a closed Blob
[Bug 24577] New: [Custom]: Need adopted callback
[Bug 24578] New: [Custom]: define registry primitive
[Bug 24579] New: [Custom]: make callbacks more explicit
[Bug 24583] [imports]: failed fetch should result null document in import list
[Bug 24583] New: [imports]: failed fetch should result null document in import list
[Bug 24586] New: Remove FileList
[Bug 24600] [Custom]: Callback names are out of date?
[Bug 24600] New: [Custom]: Callback names are out of date?
[Bug 24603] New: [Custom]: Need callback for form submit data
[Bug 24608] New: What happens when calling lockOrientation() and already locked?
[Bug 24608] What happens when calling lockOrientation() and already locked?
[Bug 24609] Can unlockOrientation() cause an orientationchange event to be fired?
[Bug 24609] New: Can unlockOrientation() cause an orientationchange event to be fired?
[Bug 24610] New: What happens when unlockOrientation() is called but no orientation is locked?
[Bug 24610] What happens when unlockOrientation() is called but no orientation is locked?
[Bug 24611] New: Should the screen orientation be unlocked when navigating to a new page?
[Bug 24612] New: Should Screen locking work only in full screen mode?
[Bug 24612] Should Screen locking work only in full screen mode?
[Bug 24614] New: Should the screen orientation be unlocked asynchronously
[Bug 24614] Should the screen orientation be unlocked asynchronously
[Bug 24616] [imports]: Stylesheets in imported documents should be loaded
[Bug 24616] New: [imports]: Stylesheets in imported documents should be loaded
[Bug 24627] [Shadow]: Support disconnected nodes
[Bug 24627] New: [Shadow]: Support disconnected nodes
[Bug 24628] New: spec has (almost) no style (or scripts)
[Bug 24628] spec has (almost) no style (or scripts)
[Bug 24629] New: [Explainer]: attachedCallback / detachedCallback are now enteredView and leftView
[Bug 24632] New: [meta][imports]: The spec should have fewer monkey patches
[Bug 24638] New: [Shadow]: elementFromPoint should return the host when you hit a Text node
[Bug 24639] New: [Shadow]: Each section on the spec needs examples
[Bug 24655] New: [Custom]: Consider turning processing stack + queues into its own primitive
[Bug 24658] [imports]: The fetch readiness shouldn't block fetching.
[Bug 24658] New: [imports]: The fetch readiness shouldn't block fetching.
[Bug 24691] New: Allow shared Web workers to persist across page loads from same origin
[Bug 24692] Define 'default orientation'
[Bug 24692] New: Define 'default orientation'
[Bug 24695] Allowed orientations should be an enum
[Bug 24695] New: Allowed orientations should be an enum
[Bug 24697] New: Use Promises for lockOrientation and unlockOrientation
[Bug 24698] New: Expose/lock to the screen orientation angle
[Bug 24699] New: Reconsider -primary and -secondary orientations
[Bug 24699] Reconsider -primary and -secondary orientations
[Bug 24700] New: Should 'foo' be entirely equivalent to [ 'foo-primary', 'foo-secondary' ]
[Bug 24700] Should 'foo' be entirely equivalent to [ 'foo-primary', 'foo-secondary' ]
[Bug 24701] Apply Marcos' comments
[Bug 24701] New: Apply Marcos' comments
[Bug 24702] Apply Anne's comments sent in public-webapps
[Bug 24702] New: Apply Anne's comments sent in public-webapps
[Bug 24703] New: No easy way to lock to a set of accepted orientations if one UA doesnt support one of them
[Bug 24703] No easy way to lock to a set of accepted orientations if one UA doesnt support one of them
[Bug 24704] @contenteditable, new lines and new paragraphs.
[Bug 24708] [Shadow]: Wrong spelling
[Bug 24708] New: [Shadow]: Wrong spelling
[Bug 24732] New: Remove DOMError from FileAPI
[Bug 24756] New: [imports]: Cascading order for stylesheets of imported documents should be stated more clearly
[Bug 24789] "Developers must not pass false for the async ar..."
[Bug 24789] New: "Developers must not pass false for the async ar..."
[Bug 24790] "Developers must not pass false for the async ar..."
[Bug 24790] New: "Developers must not pass false for the async ar..."
[Bug 24808] New: [imports]: document.write() in imports should do nothing.
[Bug 24819] "The error, abort, and load event types are mutu..."
[Bug 24819] New: "The error, abort, and load event types are mutu..."
[Bug 24823] [ServiceWorker]: "MAY NOT" is not defined in RFC 2119
[Bug 24823] New: [ServiceWorker]: "MAY NOT" is not defined in RFC 2119
[Bug 24844] New: Spec is missing <body> and <head> elements
[Bug 24844] Spec is missing <body> and <head> tags
[Bug 24848] New: [imports]: ES6 module loader should be aware modules in HTML Imports
[Bug 24861] New: [Shadow]: Add a way to detect when the list of nodes distributed to an insertion point mutates
[Bug 24865] New: Remove requirement that highest version request is processed first
[Bug 24865] Remove requirement that highest version request is processed first
[Bug 24866] New: [Custom]: Consider adding inserted/removed callback
[Bug 24867] New: [Shadow]: consider supporting :not() in content select
[Bug 24870] New: [Shadow]: HTMLTitleElement shouldn't work in shadow trees
[Bug 24872] [Shadow]: Consider adding back at least :first-of-type to valid matching criteria
[Bug 24872] New: [Shadow]: Consider adding back at least :first-of-type to valid matching criteria
[Bug 24876] New: [Custom Elements]: Custom elements should be display: block by default
[Bug 24905] [imports]: Fetches for imports should be anonymous only for cross origin requests
[Bug 24905] New: [imports]: Fetches for imports should be anonymous only for cross origin requests
[Bug 24998] New: What is the origin of a blob: URL?
[Bug 24998] What is the origin of a blob: URL?
[Bug 25007] New: [imports]: Want LinkImport.ready() to return promise.
[Bug 25028] New: Should XMLHttpRequest.responseXML return an XMLDocument if response has xml MIME type?
[Bug 25038] New: [Shadow]: Non-normative text about selection should be removed
[Bug 25053] New: Specify clear security requirements
[Bug 25054] New: Should the API be exposed to non-Mobile?
[Bug 25061] New: [Shadow]: Minor grammatical quibble
[Bug 25081] New: Make read operation really async
[Bug 25088] New: 'orientationchange' should fire on Window so that there can be a <body> event handler for it
[Bug 25090] New: Use document's encoding for url query encoding in XHR open()
[Bug 25091] [imports]: Want to be used with data: URL scheme
[Bug 25091] New: [imports]: Want to be used with data: URL scheme
[Bug 25097] New: Update HTTP and HTTPAUTH references to new HTTPbis specs
[Bug 25131] New: Blob response entity body is not built using final MIME type and charset
[Bug 25139] New: [Custom]: Bogus createElement/createElementNS IDL
[Bug 25142] New: [Custom]: Missing created callback should not prevent other callbacks from being enqueued.
[Bug 25202] New: [gamepad] "id" property is unclear how its established
[Bug 25203] New: [gamepad] Connected Attribute appears to serve no purpose if the Gamepad object is a snapshot
[clipboard events] Pasting scenarios and the shape of clipboardData.getData(‘text/html’) return value
[clipboard events] seeking implementor feedback on using CID: URI scheme for pasting embedded binary data
[clipboard events] Spec update
[clipboard-api] Do paste events and company bubble?
[cors] Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a W3C Recommendation
[Custom Elements] attributeChanged not sufficient?
[custom-elements] :unresolved and :psych
[Dom-Parsing] LC1 Comments Addressed for DOM Parsing and Serialization
[editing] insertHorizontalRule into <p> while its ancestor is non-editable
[editing] JavaScript implementation
[Editing] Splitting Selection API Into a Separate Specification
- Ben Peters (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Adam Sobieski (Saturday, 22 March)
- Johannes Wilm (Saturday, 22 March)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 21 March)
- Johannes Wilm (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Aryeh Gregor (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 17 March)
- Robin Berjon (Monday, 17 March)
- Arthur Barstow (Sunday, 16 March)
- Arthur Barstow (Sunday, 16 March)
- Aryeh Gregor (Sunday, 16 March)
- Johannes Wilm (Saturday, 15 March)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 14 March)
- Arthur Barstow (Friday, 14 March)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 14 March)
- Kenji Baheux (Friday, 14 March)
- Domenic Denicola (Friday, 14 March)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Thursday, 13 March)
[File System APIs] If one is good, then two must be better?
- Arthur Barstow (Friday, 7 February)
- Arun Ranganathan (Thursday, 6 February)
- Arun Ranganathan (Thursday, 6 February)
- Arun Ranganathan (Thursday, 6 February)
- Sebastian Kippe (Wednesday, 5 February)
- Ian Clelland (Wednesday, 5 February)
- Charles McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 5 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 4 February)
- Arun Ranganathan (Tuesday, 4 February)
- Charles McCathie Nevile (Tuesday, 4 February)
- Arthur Barstow (Monday, 3 February)
- Edward O'Connor (Friday, 31 January)
- Ian Clelland (Friday, 31 January)
- Arun Ranganathan (Friday, 31 January)
- Arthur Barstow (Friday, 31 January)
[fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games
- Ian Langworth (Wednesday, 26 February)
- Thibaut Despoulain (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Monday, 24 February)
- Glenn Maynard (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Monday, 24 February)
- Vincent Scheib (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Monday, 24 February)
- Thibaut Despoulain (Monday, 24 February)
- Vincent Scheib (Monday, 24 February)
- Brendan Eich (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Monday, 24 February)
- Glenn Maynard (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Monday, 24 February)
- Glenn Maynard (Monday, 24 February)
- Thibaut Despoulain (Monday, 24 February)
- Thibaut Despoulain (Sunday, 23 February)
- Thibaut Despoulain (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Monday, 24 February)
- Florian Bösch (Sunday, 23 February)
- Brandon Jones (Sunday, 23 February)
- Florian Bösch (Sunday, 23 February)
- Florian Bösch (Sunday, 23 February)
- Brandon Jones (Sunday, 23 February)
- Florian Bösch (Saturday, 22 February)
- Florian Bösch (Saturday, 22 February)
- Ian Langworth (Saturday, 22 February)
[fyi] Early alpha announce: PubRules Checker NG
[FYI] Last Call of draft-ietf-appsawg-uri-get-off-my-lawn; deadline February 21
[gamepad] Haptic Feedback/Controller Vibration
[gamepad] preventing default/capturing controller
[gamepad] Reasoning behind GamepadButton struct
[HTML imports]: Imports and Content Security Policy
- Hajime Morrita (Tuesday, 4 February)
- Frederik Braun (Tuesday, 4 February)
- Hajime Morrita (Monday, 3 February)
- Frederik Braun (Monday, 3 February)
- Frederik Braun (Friday, 31 January)
- Hajime Morrita (Friday, 31 January)
- Gabor Krizsanits (Thursday, 30 January)
- Nick Krempel (Thursday, 30 January)
- Scott Miles (Thursday, 30 January)
- Gabor Krizsanits (Thursday, 30 January)
- Nick Krempel (Friday, 10 January)
- Frederik Braun (Friday, 10 January)
- Nick Krempel (Friday, 10 January)
- Hajime Morrita (Friday, 10 January)
- Frederik Braun (Friday, 10 January)
- Hajime Morrita (Friday, 10 January)
- Frederik Braun (Thursday, 9 January)
[HTML imports]: Removing imports
[HTML Imports]: Sync, async, -ish?
[IndexedDB] Duplicate double quotes
[IndexedDB] Transaction ordering for readonly transactions
[manifest] name and icons, was Re: [manifest] V1 ready for wider review
[manifest] orientation member
[Manifest] Study on installable web apps
[manifest] Utility of bookmarking to home screen, was V1 ready for wider review
[manifest] V1 ready for wider review
[pointerlock] Various comments
[progress-events] Progress Events is a W3C Recommendation
[promises] Guidance on the usage of promises for API developers
- Takeshi Yoshino (Thursday, 30 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 30 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 17 January)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 16 January)
- Boris Zbarsky (Thursday, 16 January)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 16 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 16 January)
- Boris Zbarsky (Thursday, 16 January)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Wednesday, 15 January)
- Graham Klyne (Wednesday, 15 January)
- Takeshi Yoshino (Wednesday, 15 January)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 14 January)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 14 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 14 January)
- Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 14 January)
- Domenic Denicola (Tuesday, 14 January)
- Takeshi Yoshino (Tuesday, 14 January)
- Arthur Barstow (Tuesday, 14 January)
[push-api] Dependency on "System Messages"
[push-api] No clear mention of privacy implication of sending data through push service
[push] Consider renaming "push notification" to "push message" in the Push API spec
- SULLIVAN, BRYAN L (Thursday, 13 March)
- SULLIVAN, BRYAN L (Thursday, 13 March)
- SULLIVAN, BRYAN L (Thursday, 13 March)
- Mark Nottingham (Wednesday, 12 March)
- Glenn Maynard (Tuesday, 11 March)
- Michael van Ouwerkerk (Tuesday, 11 March)
- Jeffrey Yasskin (Monday, 10 March)
[quota-api] Heads-up: TAG review started
[quota-api] Seeking Implementation plans for Firefox, IE, Webkit, etc.
[quota-api] TAG review feedback
[request] "Download" Event for HTMLAnchorElement
- Brian Matthews (brmatthe) (Wednesday, 26 March)
- Si Robertson (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Glenn Maynard (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Si Robertson (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Glenn Maynard (Tuesday, 25 March)
- Brian Matthews (brmatthe) (Monday, 24 March)
- Glenn Maynard (Monday, 24 March)
- Si Robertson (Monday, 24 March)
- Brian Matthews (brmatthe) (Monday, 24 March)
- Si Robertson (Monday, 24 March)
[screen-orientation] Remove the ability to lock to multiple orientations?
[testing] Common way to "manage" test bugs?
[testing] Using labels to get a list of all open PRs for WebApps' test suites
[webcomponents] Async Registration of Custom Elements
[webcomponents] Binding Custom Element without Polluting Global Scope (Was Proposal for Cross Origin Use Case and Declarative Syntax)
[webcomponents] Copying and Pasting a Web Component
[webcomponents] Decoupling Custom Elements and Shadow DOM (Was Proposal for Cross Origin Use Case and Declarative Syntax)
[webcomponents] Editable Web Components
[webcomponents] Encapsulation and defaulting to open vs closed (was in www-style)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Monday, 17 March)
- Boris Zbarsky (Monday, 17 March)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 17 March)
- Alex Russell (Sunday, 16 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Sunday, 16 February)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Saturday, 15 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Saturday, 15 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Saturday, 15 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Saturday, 15 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Saturday, 15 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Saturday, 15 February)
- Alex Russell (Saturday, 15 February)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Saturday, 15 February)
- Daniel Freedman (Saturday, 15 February)
- Elliott Sprehn (Saturday, 15 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Saturday, 15 February)
- Alex Russell (Saturday, 15 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 14 February)
- Elliott Sprehn (Friday, 14 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 14 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 14 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 14 February)
- Erik Arvidsson (Friday, 14 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 14 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Friday, 14 February)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Friday, 14 February)
- Charles McCathie Nevile (Friday, 14 February)
- Alex Russell (Friday, 14 February)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Thursday, 13 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Thursday, 13 February)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Thursday, 13 February)
- Alex Russell (Thursday, 13 February)
- Tab Atkins Jr. (Thursday, 13 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Thursday, 13 February)
- Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 13 February)
- Alex Russell (Thursday, 13 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 11 February)
- Arthur Barstow (Monday, 10 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 7 February)
[webcomponents] Feedback for web components spec from a GWT experiment
[webcomponents] Imperative API for Insertion Points
- Erik Bryn (Monday, 17 February)
- Edward O'Connor (Monday, 17 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 17 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Sunday, 16 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Sunday, 16 February)
- Alex Russell (Sunday, 16 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Sunday, 16 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Sunday, 16 February)
- Alex Russell (Sunday, 16 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Sunday, 16 February)
[webcomponents] PubStatus reorg; Plans and Expectations
[webcomponents] Semantics and Web Components
[webcomponents] Switch for Selection Isolation
[webcomponents]: Allowing text children of ShadowRoot is a bad time
[webcomponents]: Web Components in 2014
[xhr-1] XMLHttpRequest Level 1 WD update
[XHR2] anonymous same-origin requests (alter withCredentials)
[XHR] XHR 1 / XHR 2
Background sync & push messaging: declarative vs imperative
Browser search API
Call for Exclusions: W3C DOM4
CFCs for ordinary drafts, was CFC for Re: "W3C" XHR, was Re: [admin] Draft of updated charter available for review
Clipboard API: Enable `copy` event simulation with user's express permission (domain-wide)?
CORRECTION [Was: Call for Exclusions: W3C DOM4]
Custom element callbacks timing
Decoupling <style scoped> from Shadow DOM
Do we need a rendering spec?
DOM P&S: Disposition of Comments Doc Prepared
Extending Mutation Observers to address use cases of
- Ryosuke Niwa (Sunday, 9 March)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Rafael Weinstein (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Olli Pettay (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Joshua Peek (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Olli Pettay (Wednesday, 12 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Wednesday, 12 February)
FileSystem API behavior of seek function
Fixing appcache
- Mihai (Monday, 13 January)
Form submission participation (was Re: Goals for Shadow DOM review)
- Anne van Kesteren (Sunday, 16 March)
- Joshua Peek (Saturday, 22 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Saturday, 22 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Saturday, 22 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 21 February)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 21 February)
- Edward O'Connor (Friday, 21 February)
- Domenic Denicola (Friday, 21 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 21 February)
- Maciej Stachowiak (Friday, 21 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 21 February)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 21 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 21 February)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 20 February)
- Edward O'Connor (Thursday, 20 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Thursday, 20 February)
- Charles Pritchard (Thursday, 20 February)
- Edward O'Connor (Thursday, 20 February)
Fwd: [blink-dev] Intent to implement: Push API
Fwd: Opera Presto test suite released
Fwd: Screen Orientation API Spec phrasing confusion
FYI: Navigation Error Logging
I need some guidance.
Indexed DB: Opening connections, versions, and priority
indexedDB API grammatical error
January 2014 edition of Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap
Mail List Etiquette [Was: Re: appcache master entries]
On starting WebWorkers with blob: URLs...
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 21 March)
- Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 21 March)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 21 March)
- Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 19 March)
- Jonas Sicking (Monday, 17 March)
- Glenn Maynard (Monday, 17 March)
- Bjoern Hoehrmann (Monday, 17 March)
- Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 17 March)
- Ian Hickson (Friday, 14 March)
- Arun Ranganathan (Friday, 14 March)
- Ian Hickson (Wednesday, 12 March)
- Arun Ranganathan (Wednesday, 12 March)
- Jonas Sicking (Monday, 10 March)
- Arthur Barstow (Monday, 10 March)
- Jonas Sicking (Thursday, 20 February)
- Travis Leithead (Wednesday, 19 February)
Passsword managers and autocomplete='off'
persist SharedWorker during page transitions
Proposal Virtual Reality "View Lock" Spec
Proposal: External Protocol Handling
PSA: new Screen Orientation WD
Publishing a new WD of Clipboard API and events spec
Push API - use parameterized Promise types
- Mounir Lamouri (Thursday, 20 March)
- Boris Zbarsky (Thursday, 20 March)
- Boris Zbarsky (Thursday, 20 March)
- Luke Hoban (Thursday, 20 March)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 20 March)
- Michael van Ouwerkerk (Thursday, 20 March)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 20 March)
- Michael van Ouwerkerk (Thursday, 20 March)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 20 March)
- Michael van Ouwerkerk (Thursday, 20 March)
- Domenic Denicola (Thursday, 20 March)
- Michael van Ouwerkerk (Thursday, 20 March)
Push API register - vendor specific details
Regarding: Making the W3C Web SQL Database Specification Active
Reminder: RfC: LCWD of DOM Parsing and Serialization; deadline 7 January 2014
RfC: Last Call of Web Crypto API; deadline May 20
RfC: LCWD of Vibration API; deadline March 4
Screen Orientation API Spec (from phrasing confusion)
Should events be preferably sent to the Window or the nearest object?
Status of the Shadow DOM Specification
Test runner now available in web-platform-tests
Transforming DataTransfer.setData HTML content
Update on Streams API Status
WebKit interest in ServiceWorkers (was Re: [manifest] Utility of bookmarking to home screen, was V1 ready for wider review)
what about this feature in template system in html5?
Why can't we just use constructor instead of createdCallback?
- Adam Klein (Wednesday, 19 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Erik Arvidsson (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Erik Arvidsson (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 18 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 14 February)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 14 February)
- Erik Arvidsson (Friday, 14 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Friday, 14 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 14 February)
- Dimitri Glazkov (Friday, 14 February)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 14 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Friday, 14 February)
- Jonas Sicking (Thursday, 23 January)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Saturday, 11 January)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 10 January)
- Erik Arvidsson (Friday, 10 January)
- Andrew Fedoniouk (Friday, 10 January)
- Boris Zbarsky (Friday, 10 January)
- Ryosuke Niwa (Friday, 10 January)
XMLHttpRequest error events
XMLHttpRequest Level 1- specification history
Last message date: Monday, 31 March 2014 19:05:57 UTC