[webcomponents] PubStatus reorg; Plans and Expectations

Hi Dimitri All,

FYI, yesterday I moved all of the Web Components specs in PubStatus to 
its own table [PubStatus-WC] to help address the "so, what is the status 
of Web Components standardization in WebApps" use case (as well as to be 
consistent with the way PubStatus organizes the Widgets spec suite).

Although PubStatus provides current data about the state of WebApps' 
specs, other than the Plans data (which is typically quite terse or 
empty), PubStatus doesn't facilitate Editors documenting more "forward 
looking" information such as roadmaps, longer term expectations, etc. 
Given this, and the broad interest in Web Components, I think it would 
be useful if there was some type of "state of Web Components 
standardization" that included things like:

* Expectations for the specs by EoY 2014

* Status and plans of Web Component native implementations (f.ex. 
information beyond what is available in CanIUse.com and 

* Status and plans of Web Component polyfills

* Key open issues, dependencies

* Testing status and plans

* Deployment status

Thus, when someone asks "so, what do we expect for the state of Web 
Components standardization by the end of 2014?", we have a 
document/thread we can point to (and that document could be a reply to 
this email, a blog, etc.). WDYT?

(BTW, I'm not picking on Dimitri here (who has done exemplary work, 
especially regarding professional community engagement). I wold be 
*delighted* if other Editors would provide similar information for their 

-Thanks, ArtB


Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 13:25:03 UTC