Re: [Editing] Splitting Selection API Into a Separate Specification

On Mar 14, 2014, at 5:58 AM, Arthur Barstow <> wrote:

> On 3/13/14 7:43 PM, ext Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It appears that there is a lot of new features such as CSS regions and shadow DOM that have significant implications on selection API, and we really need a spec. for selection API these specifications can refer to.
>> Thankfully, Aryeh has done a great work writing the spec. for selection API as a part of HTML Editing APIs specification [1] but no browser vendor has been able to give meaningful feedback or has implemented the spec due to the inherent complexity in HTML editing.  As a result, the specification hasn't made much progress towards reaching Last Call or CR.
>> Given the situation, I think it's valuable to extract the parts of the spec that defines selection API into its own specification and move it forward in the standards process so that we can make it more interoperable between browsers, and let CSS regions, shadow DOM, and other specifications refer to the specification.
>> Any thoughts and opinions?
> When we last discussed this spec vis-à-vis the Editing CG and WebApps [1], the CG's position was the spec was not ready for "Recommendation track work". As such, I would like to hear from Aryeh and/or the Editing CG re Ryosuke's proposal.

I think the selection API is ready for recommendation track work.  It's mostly interoperable between non-Gecko browsers.

> One factor to consider re WebApps formally working on this spec is whether there we have sufficient resource commitment(s) re editing, testing, etc. Do we have such commitment(s)?

For testing, Aryeh has written a very comprehensive test suite for the entire editing, so we should be able to extract the parts for selection API.

And I'm more than happy to volunteer as an editor for the spec.

- R. Niwa

Received on Friday, 14 March 2014 19:36:39 UTC