Re: Custom element callbacks timing

My understanding is that these callbacks can be invoked at roughly two
points in time:

The first one is when the browser is about to return to script. An example

x.setAttribute('a', 'b');
// before here

If x is a Custom Element with an attributeChangedCallback, setAttribute
will queue an attributeChangedCallback; when returning to script x's
callback queue will be processed. Of course there are APIs, like setting
innerHTML, which can queue work for >>1 element.

The second one is when performing a microtask checkpoint. An example is:


If X-A has a Custom Element definition, the parser will queue an upgrade
step. At the next microtask checkpoint that element's callback queue will
be processed.

If you're having a discussion about callbacks in the context of microtasks,
that latter case, plus Mutation Observers, are probably of interest to you.



On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 7:41 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> Can someone explain me, ideally in terms of examples, when these
> callbacks are invoked:
> Are these different from microtasks? The way the specification reads
> at the moment suggests they are. If that is the case I'd prefer we
> have some more high-level discussion about introducing a new point
> when we want to call callbacks for DOM methods.
> --

Email SLA <> •

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 23:45:18 UTC