Re: Screen Orientation API Spec (from phrasing confusion)

On 3/13/14 10:59 AM, "Mounir Lamouri" <> wrote:

>> That seems to defeat the "normal orientation" aspect of the spec and the
>> usefulness of '-primary' and '-secondary' suffixes "for the initial
>> state".
>There is a bug on file to make the explanation a bit clearer:

I don't think you are getting my initial point of confusion in the spec.
This would make it even more confusing than it already is.

>The relation between -primary and -secondary should be up to the UA.

You mean the *device* not the UA? Or else you are puzzling me.
The spec said/says: "The concepts of primary orientation and secondary
orientation depends on the device and the platform"; *not* the browser.
Or is there a private draft I can't see saying the contrary now?

>If Microsoft wants to give specific angles, why not.

OK now you are *completely* losing me. Why not? What the heck do you mean?
The current specification *has* a 90 degrees clockwise given angle which
Microsoft *followed*.

I have the feeling that neither Mozilla or Microsoft were able
to fully make sense of the spec as you express it here, which as I
specified, isn't fully understandable on its own terms.

Again, in 3.1: "In both if the device is in landscape-primary and is
rotated 90 degrees clockwise, that should be represented as
portrait-primary." You are giving an angle, while referring to 'In both'
of 2 previous opposite cases. That sentence is deprived of logic with:
[In both] !== [if the device is in landscape-primary] in the same sentence.

Microsoft's interpretation of that sentence is:
[In both if the device is in x-primary and is rotated 90 degrees
clockwise, that should be represented as x-primary.]
As such Microsoft would be on spec but that's not what the spec says.

While Mozilla seems to map it to fixed angles as per:

static OrientationMapping sOrientationMappings[] = {
  {nsIScreen::ROTATION_0_DEG,   eScreenOrientation_PortraitPrimary},
  {nsIScreen::ROTATION_180_DEG, eScreenOrientation_PortraitSecondary},
  {nsIScreen::ROTATION_90_DEG,  eScreenOrientation_LandscapePrimary},
  {nsIScreen::ROTATION_270_DEG, eScreenOrientation_LandscapeSecondary},

which sigh, doesn't match with my initial js implemention based on
Microsoft's spec. That's a discrepancies already between the two
prefixed implementations.

I don't know how Tizen is interpreting the spec, but this need to be
clarified before UAs ship it a unprefixed with their own take on it.
Or this API is looking live a future living hell for developers.


Received on Thursday, 13 March 2014 22:22:41 UTC