Re: [gamepad] preventing default/capturing controller

On 14/03/2014 15:29, Vincent Scheib wrote:
> Perhaps I'm missing some context. What issue are you raising that isn't
> handled by the gamepad API [1]?
> [1]

The issue is perhaps hypothetical at the moment, but: the spec currently 
does not address (unless I've missed it) the scenario where a user agent 
is already set to react to a gamepad input device - see for instance IE 
on XBox One, where the analogue stick moves an on-screen mouse pointer 
and the d-pad maps to regular cursor keys.

Now, IE doesn't currently support the gamepad API, but once it does - or 
similar devices, particularly in the TV/set-top box space come out that 
do - there will be some conflict between an application using the 
gamepad API to directly tap into those controls AND the browser/OS doing 
its own mapping (analogue stick as mouse, d-pad as cursors). You'd end 
up with, say, a movement of the analogue stick BOTH being processed 
through the API AND the on-screen mouse pointer moving.

For this reason, I was wondering if it's worth pre-emptively addressing 
this situation by defining a way for a website/app to "lock" the 
controller, signalling to the browser/OS that it will handle gamepad 
input directly, and that default browser/OS mappings should be ignored.

Hope that makes it a tad clearer?


> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 1:35 AM, Patrick H. Lauke
> < <>> wrote:
>     No takers on the idea of having some form of control - like a
>     gamepad capture lock, or some way of preventDefault-ing gamepad
>     controls before they're turned into mouse/cursor controls by the UA?
>     On 26/02/2014 10:16, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
>         "Currently, the only way for a gamepad to be used as input would
>         be to
>         emulate mouse or keyboard events"
>         I'm wondering if it's in scope for this spec to also address the
>         situation where a UA *does* already do this natively (for
>         instance, IE
>         on Xbox One) - analog stick moving an on-screen mouse pointer, d-pad
>         firing cursor event.
>         A few precedents that may be worth looking at:
>         - Pointer Lock API
>         <>
>         - Opera's spatial navigation on TV browsers, which can be
>         preventDefault-ed if the website/app wants to handle d-pad input
>         (mapped
>         to cursor keys already, mind) on a remote control
>         <>
>         - Boxee's (discontinued) API to explicitly switch browser into
>         different
>         modes (cursor, keyboard, player)
>         <>
>         There's an argument that this should be left completely up to
>         the UA,
>         and that users should switch the UA into different modes.
>         However, at
>         the very least it would be nice then to have a way for a site/app to
>         *signal* that it can handle direct gamepad input.
>         Thoughts?
>         P
>     --
>     Patrick H. Lauke
> <> |
> <>
> <>
>     |
>     twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Friday, 14 March 2014 15:36:24 UTC