Re: [webcomponents] PubStatus reorg; Plans and Expectations

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Arthur Barstow <>wrote:

> Hi Dimitri All,
> FYI, yesterday I moved all of the Web Components specs in PubStatus to its
> own table [PubStatus-WC] to help address the "so, what is the status of Web
> Components standardization in WebApps" use case (as well as to be
> consistent with the way PubStatus organizes the Widgets spec suite).
> Although PubStatus provides current data about the state of WebApps'
> specs, other than the Plans data (which is typically quite terse or empty),
> PubStatus doesn't facilitate Editors documenting more "forward looking"
> information such as roadmaps, longer term expectations, etc. Given this,
> and the broad interest in Web Components, I think it would be useful if
> there was some type of "state of Web Components standardization" that
> included things like:
> * Expectations for the specs by EoY 2014
> * Status and plans of Web Component native implementations (f.ex.
> information beyond what is available in and
> * Status and plans of Web Component polyfills
> * Key open issues, dependencies
> * Testing status and plans
> * Deployment status
> Thus, when someone asks "so, what do we expect for the state of Web
> Components standardization by the end of 2014?", we have a document/thread
> we can point to (and that document could be a reply to this email, a blog,
> etc.). WDYT?

I think it's reasonable. I've been away from the keyboard for a little bit
and am still digging out from the email backlog, so please be patient with
me :)

> (BTW, I'm not picking on Dimitri here (who has done exemplary work,
> especially regarding professional community engagement). I wold be
> *delighted* if other Editors would provide similar information for their
> specs.)

Yay, I love being delightful!

> -Thanks, ArtB
> [PubStatus-WC] <
> Components_Specifications>

Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 17:30:17 UTC