Re: [fullscreen] Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and games

> I've written a test for this here:
> My observation from testing on linux is that I can't distinguish latency
> for the software cursor from the OS cursor (or not by much anyway) in
> google chrome. In firefox however there's noticable lag. Mileage may vary
> for other platforms.

This is true, but sadly your test runs on an empty animation frame. If your
main thread is doing a lot of work already (barely hitting the 60fps mark,
as it is the case for demanding games), the lag will be much more
perceptible as you will most likely drop a frame every now and then.

The reason the cursor is hidden when the pointer is locked is that some
> OSes don't have the ability to report relative mouse movement correctly at
> screen edges. This requires the cursors to constantly be reset to the
> center of the screen, which obviously would look strange if the cursor was
> visible.

Would that prevent vendors from implementing a pointer "edge grabbing"?
(preventing the cursor to exit the window but keeping the OS cursor as-is
while inside of it)

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 7:30 AM, Florian Bösch <> wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Brandon Jones <> wrote:
>> - it's possible to theme the OS cursor using custom images with CSS.
> Although that doesn't absolve vendors from fixing the latency issue even
> if native pointers where to be made available during pointerlock. The
> reason is that cursors come in more flavors than an image. For example they
> could come in some variety of 3D rendered representations useful for the
> game in question.
>> - The reason the cursor is hidden when the pointer is locked is that some
>> OSes don't have the ability to report relative mouse movement correctly at
>> screen edges. This requires the cursors to constantly be reset to the
>> center of the screen, which obviously would look strange if the cursor was
>> visible.
> Isn't that only a concern if you want to capture the cursor, not when you
> display the OS cursor?
>> - You already mentioned some issues with synthetic mouse events, but
>> unfortunately it's worse than you suspect. For example: sending a synthetic
>> click event to a checkbox doesn't actually change it's checked state. (Not
>> the last time I tried anyway) select controls also have a hard time with
>> synthetic events, and there's a whole host of other sub rely broken things.
>> :(
> Is there a motivation not to make it work? Clickjacking?

Received on Monday, 24 February 2014 11:01:53 UTC