Re: Clipboard API: Enable `copy` event simulation with user's express permission (domain-wide)?

So, the story so far is that the spec has added something it labels "semi-trusted events" - that is an event triggered from a trusted event of a whitelisted type. The precedence here is popup blocking - browsers already have rules for which events are "more trusted than others" in terms of likely expressing user intent. (An example makes this clearer: scripts are typically allowed to call from a click event listener, but are typically not allowed to call from an load or mouseover listener.)


> Also, will there be any way for us to feature detect when this is available?

I've still not really been able to come up with a nice way to feature detect these "semi-trusted events".

Good ideas requested and appreciated..

> I'm thinking that just using `document.queryCommandSupported("copy")` and
> `document.queryCommandEnabled("copy")` could return some false positives
> (i.e. the feature is not yet implemented but returns `true` anyway) when
> the user is working within a "contenteditable" element, right?

No idea what the current implementation state of these calls are..

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 13:12:34 UTC