RE: [clipboard events] seeking implementor feedback on using CID: URI scheme for pasting embedded binary data

>>>> Second, can you provide the javascript for how a site would put them into the pasted markup during paste?

>>> The way I thought this would work, would be that the site starts XHR 
>>> uploads from the paste processing, and shows some intermediate 'loading' animation or something before it gets the final URLs back from the server.

>> This generally makes sense. If sites prefer to use local dataURI or 
>> blob, they can use the blob URL, and then upload the file later (like 
>> in an email scenario). This means they don't have to wait for them to 
>> be on the server before displaying them. If they want to upload them first and use the server's new URL for them, they would need to do what you're saying.

>Sounds good, but this requires standardising something similar to msConvertURL(), right?

I don't believe so. Couldn't the site just get the HTML DataTransferItem (which contains the CIDs), replace the CIDs with Blobs or DataURIs, and then insert the HTML where the paste was going to happen? Personally I think msConvertURL is a convenient way to do this. But it's not the only way.


Received on Thursday, 6 March 2014 01:18:58 UTC