from April to June 2013 by thread

[PE] Interop Status Update Jungkee Song (Thursday, 27 June)

Registration for TPAC 2013 is Open Charles McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 26 June)

[webcomponents]: Shadow DOM + CSS = <3 Meeting Summary Dimitri Glazkov (Monday, 24 June)

HTML imports and rendering Guy Bedford (Sunday, 23 June)

Web Component Element definition Bronislav Klučka (Sunday, 23 June)

Namespacing Web Components (Thursday, 20 June)

Namespacing Components (Thursday, 20 June)

spec status (redux) Alan Kligman (Wednesday, 19 June)

[Bug 22414] New: 304 handling (Thursday, 20 June)

[Bug 21136] Define Home key and Back key of Android smartphone (Wednesday, 19 June)

[Bug 21120] Define TV or A/V remote controller's keys (Wednesday, 19 June)

[Bug 21121] Define mobile phone related keys (Wednesday, 19 June)

[Bug 21137] Define key names for game controller of Android (Wednesday, 19 June)

[Bug 21083] Proposal key names for Android (Wednesday, 19 June)

[Bug 16833] consider always exposing a "length" property for objects with indexed properties (Monday, 17 June)

[Bug 22370] New: Inform script of corruption-induced data loss (Friday, 14 June)

[cssom-view] Adding elementsFromPoint() to Document Alan Stearns (Friday, 14 June)

Bringing other Web Components specs into HTML Robin Berjon (Friday, 14 June)

CfC: publish a Candidate Recommendation of Indexed Database; deadline June 20 Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 13 June)

[Bug 18242] Not clear what "script that invoked the method" means exactly. Should this be changed to "entry script" instead? If not, please specify what it means. (Tuesday, 11 June)

[Bug 18242] Not clear what "script that invoked the method" means exactly. Should this be changed to "entry script" instead? If not, please specify what it means. (Tuesday, 11 June)

Considering an onincompleteload event Charles Pritchard (Tuesday, 11 June)

[selectors-api] QSA and findAll definitions Timmy (Sunday, 9 June)

[editing] Editing spec is no longer online Johannes Wilm (Thursday, 6 June)

[css3-mediaqueries][css-device-adapt] Combining @viewport with the Fullscreen API Kenneth Rohde Christiansen (Thursday, 6 June)

webappsec tests moved to GitHub Odin Hørthe Omdal (Wednesday, 5 June)

[html-templates] Seeking pre-LC comments for HTML Templates; deadline June 10 Arthur Barstow (Monday, 3 June)

[shadow-dom] spec markup Tobie Langel (Monday, 3 June)

inputmode attribute 河内 隆仁 (Monday, 3 June)

Fwd: Files on IndexedDB (Sunday, 2 June)

[Bug 22228] New: Clarification of timeout attribute late overrides (Friday, 31 May)

[ime-api] Followups from April f2f discussions Arthur Barstow (Friday, 31 May)

[File Api]: How to Test <input type="file"> ? Fabian Raetz (Thursday, 30 May)

[IndexedDB] Processing 16-May-2013 LC comments Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 30 May)

Files on IndexedDB (Thursday, 30 May)

[webidl] Add a [Maplike] tag? Tab Atkins Jr. (Wednesday, 29 May)

W3C Launches Patent Advisory Group for Push API Ian Jacobs (Wednesday, 29 May)

Filesystem events (Wednesday, 29 May)

[Bug 22196] New: Clarification of InputMethodContext behavior when an element losts focus. (Wednesday, 29 May)

[Bug 22194] New: Clarificaiton of 'enabled' property behavior (Wednesday, 29 May)

[editing] deletion and moving caret across stub and contenteditable=false elements (was: Re: [editing] nested contenteditable) Johannes Wilm (Tuesday, 28 May)

[editing] nested contenteditable Johannes Wilm (Tuesday, 28 May)

RE: [editing] nested contenteditable Travis Leithead (Tuesday, 28 May)

RfC: 2nd Last Call of "Vibration API"; deadline June 13 Arthur Barstow (Tuesday, 28 May)

[webcomponents] Interaction of shadow DOM, imports, base URIs Boris Zbarsky (Saturday, 25 May)

[Bug 19831] Investigate overrideMimeType() (Thursday, 23 May)

Face to Face on Shadow DOM and CSS interactions Charles McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 22 May)

Fetch: please review! Anne van Kesteren (Wednesday, 22 May)

[Bug 16000] Trailers (Wednesday, 22 May)

[Bug 22130] New: Modification for clear and delete method (Wednesday, 22 May)

[webcomponents]: First sketch of <element> element Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 21 May)

The JavaScript context of a custom element Aaron Boodman (Monday, 20 May)

[Bug 22094] New: Add 'target' in InputMethodContext (Monday, 20 May)

[Bug 22093] New: Consider adding candidatewindowshow/update/hide events and getCandidateWindowClientRect() (Monday, 20 May)

[IndexedDB] IDBRequest.onerror for DataCloneError and DataError Kyaw Tun (Monday, 20 May)

[IndexedDB] request feedback on IDBKeyRange.inList([]) enhancement Ben Kelly (Friday, 17 May)

[Bug 19771] Need way to determine what keys are supported on device. (Friday, 17 May)

RfC: LCWD of Indexed Database; deadline June 7 Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 16 May)

Overlap between StreamReader and FileReader Takeshi Yoshino (Thursday, 16 May)

[Bug 16304] DONE != DONE (Thursday, 16 May)

[Bug 22059] New: Composition dictionary should be changed (Thursday, 16 May)

[Bug 22058] New: "error" event should fire before final readystatechange event (Thursday, 16 May)

[Bug 22057] New: Clarify InputMethodContext's scope in the spec (Thursday, 16 May)

[XHR] readystatechange for multiple open calls Jungkee Song (Thursday, 16 May)

[IndexedDB] Does "Abort this algorithm" mean "Abort transaction"? Kyaw Tun (Thursday, 16 May)

[webcomponents]: Declarative Custom Elements Take Umpteen, The Karate Kid Edition Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 14 May)

Re: [widgets] Does anyone still care about Widget Updates? Arthur Barstow (Tuesday, 14 May)

CfC - working on manifest Charles McCathie Nevile (Tuesday, 14 May)

CfC: Face to face meeting on Components, 21 June Charles McCathie Nevile (Tuesday, 14 May)

Kickoff application manifest work Marcos Caceres (Tuesday, 14 May)

[Bug 22028] New: Consider adding hasComposition() in InputMethodContext (Tuesday, 14 May)

webcomponents: <import> instead of <link> Hajime Morrita (Tuesday, 14 May)

[XHR] question about spec text and tests for double open() calls Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen (Monday, 13 May)

[Bug 22018] New: Consider adding getCompositionAlternatives() in InputMethodContext (Monday, 13 May)

A very preliminary draft of a URL spec Charles McCathie Nevile (Monday, 13 May)

CfC: publish new WD of Shadow DOM; deadline May 11 Arthur Barstow (Friday, 10 May)

[Bug 21993] New: Change .getInputContext() to .inputMethodContext (Friday, 10 May)

[XHR.Bleeding-edge] ED update Jungkee Song (Friday, 10 May)

[Bug 21992] New: Consider adding getInputContext() to SVGElement (Friday, 10 May)

Re: [IndexedDB] Inform script of corruption recovery David Grogan (Thursday, 9 May)

CfC: publish LCWD of Indexed Database; deadline May 16 Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 9 May)

[IndexedDB] Is the spec ready to start a CfC for Last Call Working Draft? Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 9 May)

CfC: Shelve Web Intents, Web Intents Addendum, Pick Media Intent, Pick Contacts Intent, respond by 17 May (next Friday) (resend) (Wednesday, 8 May)

Web SQL and SQL Dai Rees (Wednesday, 8 May)

[XHR] anonymous flag Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen (Wednesday, 8 May)

WebApps DOM3 Events Wiki page Travis Leithead (Wednesday, 8 May)

Change of affiliation Marcos Caceres (Tuesday, 7 May)

Rough summary of minutes from the face to face Charles McCathie Nevile (Tuesday, 7 May)

[Bug 21945] New: Does responseXML ever return an XMLDocument (Monday, 6 May)

[XHR] test nitpicks: MIME type / charset requirements Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen (Monday, 6 May)

Fetch: HTTP authentication and CORS Anne van Kesteren (Friday, 3 May)

[pointerlock] Re: ACTION-678: Ask Vincent about next step for PointerLock (e.g. what needs to be done to go LC) Arthur Barstow (Friday, 3 May)

[Gamepad] spec status Ted Mielczarek (Thursday, 2 May)

W3C Brand Survey Charles McCathie Nevile (Thursday, 2 May)

[Bug 21318] anon flag should be anonymous (Thursday, 2 May)

Blob URLs | autoRevoke, defaults, and resolutions Arun Ranganathan (Wednesday, 1 May)

[webcomponents]: Comprehensive update of Custom Elements spec Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 30 April)

ZIP archive API? Charles McCathie Nevile (Tuesday, 30 April)

[selectors-api2] Seeking implementation data re Selectors API Level 2 Arthur Barstow (Tuesday, 30 April)

[quota-api] Seeking status and plans for Quota Mangement API Arthur Barstow (Tuesday, 30 April)

Prefer Error than exception for DataCloneError and DataError Kyaw Tun (Tuesday, 30 April)

Multiple Decorators Sam L'ecuyer (Monday, 29 April)

Proposal for a DOM L3 Events Telecon Travis Leithead (Monday, 29 April)

[admin] WebApps' next f2f meeting is Nov 11-12 @ TPAC in Shenzhen China Arthur Barstow (Monday, 29 April)

CfC: publish new WD of Introduction to Web Components; deadline May 4 Arthur Barstow (Saturday, 27 April)

CfC: publish FPWD of HTML Imports; deadline May 4 Arthur Barstow (Saturday, 27 April)

CfC: publish FPWD of Custom Elements; deadline May 4 Arthur Barstow (Saturday, 27 April)

CfC: publish FPWD of UI Events; deadline May 4 Arthur Barstow (Saturday, 27 April)

CfC: publish Java bindings for WebIDL as a WG Note; deadline May 4 Arthur Barstow (Saturday, 27 April)

Draft minutes: 26 April 2013 f2f meeting Arthur Barstow (Saturday, 27 April)

[Bug 17681] [IndexedDB] Operations that raise multiple exceptions types should define order (Friday, 26 April)

[WebIDL] Bugs - which are for 1.0 and which are for Second Edition? Travis Leithead (Friday, 26 April)

Draft minutes: 25 April 2013 f2f meeting Arthur Barstow (Friday, 26 April)

Draft minutes: 25 April 2013 f2f meeting Arthur Barstow (Friday, 26 April)

[Bug 21836] New: Remove NotSupportedError on creating index for multiEntry index with array keyPath (Friday, 26 April)

[Bug 21833] New: Under read* chaining during load event loadends should be suppressed (Thursday, 25 April)

[Shadow DOM] Simplifying level 1 of Shadow DOM Edward O'Connor (Thursday, 25 April)

Proposal for a filesystem API Jan Varga (Thursday, 25 April)

Why not be multiEntry and array keyPath togather? Kyaw Tun (Thursday, 25 April)

URL comparison Anne van Kesteren (Thursday, 25 April)

[Bug 14364] appcache: Add an API to make appcache support caching specific URLs dynamically (Wednesday, 24 April)

[screen-orient] why not provide at CSSOM API to CSS Device Adaptation instead? Tobie Langel (Wednesday, 24 April)

Re: [admin] Call for Agenda topics for April 25-26 f2f meeting Jungkee Song (Wednesday, 24 April)

[Bug 21801] New: [IndexedDB] Cursor operations when source deleted are not defined (Tuesday, 23 April)

[PushAPI] New version of the Push API EDUARDO FULLEA CARRERA (Tuesday, 23 April)

Feedback about W3C Input Method Editor API draft James Su (Tuesday, 23 April)

InedxedDB events : misconception? Michaël Rouges (Monday, 22 April)

For a deeper Indexed Database API (nested ObjectStores) Michaël Rouges (Monday, 22 April)

roadmap for inclusion of people with cognitive disabilities lisa.seeman (Sunday, 21 April)

[admin] Testing and GitHub login names Arthur Barstow (Friday, 19 April)

Collecting real world use cases (Was: Fixing appcache: a proposal to get us started) Paul Bakaus (Thursday, 18 April)

RfC: API portion of JSON-LD 1.0 Algorithms and API LCWD; deadline May 10 Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 18 April)

[webcomponents]: <element> Wars: A New Hope Dimitri Glazkov (Wednesday, 17 April)

DOM core changes wrt XML document properties Henry S. Thompson (Wednesday, 17 April)

[Bug 21725] New: Specify id for Step 1 of the Web Workers Processing Model (Wednesday, 17 April)

Using readyCallback for built-in elements, was: [webcomponents]: Of weird script elements and Benadryl Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 16 April)

Upload progress events and redirects Anne van Kesteren (Tuesday, 16 April)

[Bug 20394] [IndexedDB] Spec should use WebIDL concepts such as sequence<T> rather than Array (Monday, 15 April)

[admin] Editors and Test Facilitators: please update your PubStatus data before April 25 Arthur Barstow (Monday, 15 April)

[Bug 18551] [IndexedDB] Ambiguity about operations preceding a failed createIndex. (Monday, 15 April)

File API: auto-revoking blob URLs Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 15 April)

Does JS bound to <element> need to inherit from HTMLElement? John J Barton (Saturday, 13 April)

MathML and "Clipboard API and events" Paul Topping (Friday, 12 April)

[webcomponents]: Of weird script elements and Benadryl Dimitri Glazkov (Friday, 12 April)

[Bug 20045] data: URLs, HTTP, and parsing (Friday, 12 April)

[webcomponents]: Blocking custom elements on ES6, was: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax Dimitri Glazkov (Thursday, 11 April)

Re: [PointerLock] Should there be onpointerlockchange/onpointerlockerror properties defined in the spec Vincent Scheib (Thursday, 11 April)

Class side inheritance in WebIDL (was Re: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax) Erik Arvidsson (Thursday, 11 April)

RfC: LCWD of API for Media Resources 1.0; deadline June 3 Arthur Barstow (Thursday, 11 April)

What will be the query language for IndexedDb Rob VonNesselrode (Thursday, 11 April)

Fwd: [webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax Dimitri Glazkov (Wednesday, 10 April)

[webcomponents]: Platonic form of custom elements declarative syntax Dimitri Glazkov (Wednesday, 10 April)

[Bug 21650] New: Require that XHR is available in workers (Wednesday, 10 April)

[Bug 21649] New: Duplicate requirement (Wednesday, 10 April)

Re: [webcomponents]: Re-imagining shadow root as Element Dimitri Glazkov (Tuesday, 9 April)

[webcomponents]: de-duping in HTMLImports Scott Miles (Tuesday, 9 April)

Futures and transactions Anne van Kesteren (Monday, 8 April)

Screen Orientation API: Feedback Anne van Kesteren (Sunday, 7 April)

[editing] Comments on WebKit addRange implementation Nathan Vander Wilt (Friday, 5 April)

[webcomponents] self-documenting component.html files Mike Kamermans (Friday, 5 April)

Re: Update of the IME API spec working draft [call for comments] 河内 隆仁 (Friday, 5 April)

[Bug 21585] New: Calling abort() when readyState != LOADING, Gecko throws an exception (Thursday, 4 April)

[Bug 21584] New: FileReader.error should be nullable (Thursday, 4 April)

Reviewing test submissions Robin Berjon (Thursday, 4 April)

Move to GitHub: step 1 completed Robin Berjon (Thursday, 4 April)

[selectors-api] References to Selectors 4 fantasai (Thursday, 4 April)

Re: File API: Blob.type Arun Ranganathan (Wednesday, 3 April)

[dom-futures] Making ProgressFuture use real events Tab Atkins Jr. (Wednesday, 3 April)

Re: fixing appcache... Robin Berjon (Wednesday, 3 April)

Reminder: Please register for Face to face by Friday Chaals Nevile (Wednesday, 3 April)

Re: [webcomponents]: Scope of <link rel=components>, was: Naming the Baby Simon Pieters (Wednesday, 3 April)

[Bug 21559] New: [IndexedDB] Term "primary key" needs defining (Wednesday, 3 April)

Re: [IME] Preparing some feedback Kenji Baheux (Tuesday, 2 April)

[indexeddb] spec for keyPath attributes is underdefined Boris Zbarsky (Tuesday, 2 April)

[Bug 21555] New: Use of IDL arrays for keyPath values is underdefined (Tuesday, 2 April)

Re: Fixing appcache: a proposal to get us started Glenn Jones (Monday, 1 April)

[Bug 18329] [IndexedDB] [supertrivial] Use more understandable example for indeces (Monday, 1 April)

Re: [webcomponents]: Naming the Baby Dimitri Glazkov (Monday, 1 April)

Re: Clipboard API: Stripping script element Ryosuke Niwa (Monday, 1 April)

Last message date: Sunday, 30 June 2013 22:20:32 UTC