Re: [webcomponents]: Shadow DOM + CSS = <3 Meeting Summary

On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 01:01:44 +0200, Tab Atkins Jr. <>  

> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Dimitri Glazkov <>  
> wrote:
>> :host(div.who-mourns-for-morn) { ... } /*
>>   matches a div with class "who-mourns-for-morn" anywhere in the outer  
>> trees,
>>   up to and including the document tree */
>> :host(<any-compound-selector>) /*
>>   matches an element that matches <any-compound-selector> anywhere in  
>> the
>>   outer trees (relative to this shadow tree), up to and including the  
>> document
>>   tree. */
>> Please note that only a compound selector
>> ( is allowed in the
>> host's parens.
> Not quite.  These match the host element, *if* the provided selector
> matches something on the fully composed ancestor list, starting from
> the host and going up to the document root.  It lets you filter based
> on outside context, not actually select something outside your
> context.
> Note: the reason we went for a compound selector here is that the
> fully-composed ancestor list may include details of the shadow tree of
> other components (for example, if your component is used *in* the
> shadow tree of another component).  Being able to get *some*
> information from that context is useful (it lets the outer component
> signal to your component in useful ways), but we don't want to allow
> you to depend on brittle and normally-hidden details of the inner
> shadow tree of other components.  A single compound selector seems
> like a good compromise.
> (Oh, and now that I think about it, it should be a  
> <compound-selector-list>.)

So it can contain commas...

>> 4) Artist Formerly Known as ::distributed, Now Less Lispy
>> We also killed the parens around ::distributed and renamed to
>> ::content. See tabatkins@' clever twit about that
>> ( Looking for
>> allergic reactions to this particular pome.
> This was done for two major reasons.
> 1. Parens are annoying.  We like to avoid them when possible,
> particularly when we run the risk of getting nested parens (imagine
> mixing ::content() with ::region()...)
> 2. Parens prevent us from interacting with any of the ideas for future
> CSS rule nesting, where inner rules can extend the selector of the
> outer rule.  We need the contents of the inner tree stuff to be at the
> "top-level" of the selector for any of these to work right.
> So, where previously you would select all the <li> elements that got
> distributed to <content class='foo' select="li, p"> by doing something
> like:
> .foo::distributed(li) {...}
> Now you just do:
> .foo::content li {...}
> This is meant to be a general idiom - pseudo-elements mean you've
> switched to another tree.  Previously, all of our pseudo-elements were
> leaf nodes anyway, so it was hard to detect exactly what it was doing,
> but now that we have pseudos with complex structure inside of them
> (::content, ::region, more?), we needed to settle on some pattern for
> addressing the stuff inside of them, and this seems like the shortest,
> clearest, most future-compatible way to do it.

There's also ::cue().

I don't understand how this idiom is supposed to work when you have a list  
of selectors as argument. Consider:

video::cue(b, i) { background:lime }

If it's changed to

video::cue b, i { background:lime }

then that looks like there are two selectors, "video::cue b" and "i".

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2013 09:01:59 UTC