Re: [webcomponents]: Declarative Custom Elements Take Umpteen, The Karate Kid Edition

Sorry for all the emails. I thought of something else.

Today, we provide our own 'register' function which calls the required
HTMLElementElement.register so we can provide sugaring. We need some way to
maintain that entry point also (perhaps the 'static' class-instantiation
callback could serve this purpose too).

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Scott Miles <> wrote:

> And to be clear, we also have to be able to do this (not that anybody said
> anything to the contrary)
> <element ...>
>   <script src="..."></script>
> </element>
> If there is more than once <script>, I assume the last one 'wins'?
> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Scott Miles <> wrote:
>> So, I don't love the extra punctuation, but there are other good things
>> here. We do away with duplication of tag name and the magic
>> [something].register call.
>> Presumably I can still set up private members in a closure, like this (?):
>> <script>
>>   var privateStack = [];
>>   (class XFoo: HTMLElement { readyCallback() { privateStack.push(...); }
>> });
>> </script>
>> The last critical bit is some way to access our <element>. We could have
>> another callback which is essentially a static, called once per <element>
>> to allow access to the <element> itself, but I don't know where we'd put it
>> other than on the prototype itself.
>> Scott
>> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Elliott Sprehn <>wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Daniel Buchner <>wrote:
>>>> On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Erik Arvidsson <>wrote:
>>>>> <element name="foo-bar">
>>>>>    ...
>>>>>    <script>
>>>>>        class FooBar {
>>>>>            ...
>>>>>        };
>>>>>    </script>
>>>>> </element>
>>>> Is it then possible to explicitly return the class after definition?
>>>> I'm asking because <script> return value is something I was not aware of.
>>> Yes, by wrapping it in parenthesis. The spec
>>> seems to
>>> say that (class X { }) returns X but class X { } at the top level returns
>>> undefined.
>>> Thankfully it's not too gross, you'd just have:
>>> <script>
>>> (class MyCustomWidget : HTMLElement {
>>>   // ...
>>> })
>>> </script>
>>> ...   ...
>>>>    <script>
>>>>        class FooBar {
>>>>            ...
>>>>        };
>>>>        return FooBar;
>>> "return" isn't valid in the top level execution block which sucks. It
>>> would nice if we relaxed that restriction and allowed a return up there.
>>> - E

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 21:33:32 UTC