Re: URL comparison

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:41 AM,  <> wrote:
>> Requests I've heard before I looked at :local-link():
>> * Simple equality
>> * Ignore fragment
>> * Ignore fragment and query
>> * Further normalization (browsers don't normalize as much as they
>> could during parsing, but maybe this should be an operation to modify
>> the URL object rather than a comparison option)
> What about links that point to a null URL with a hash? ie <a href="#back-to-top">
> Obviously this is a local link, but it doesn't really fit into the
> host/path/query segmentation that's defined with the :local-link([0|1|2...]) definition[1].
> Perhaps a :local-link(hash) keyword would be appropriate so that we could select links within the page?

That's what :local-link (without the ()) is for - it selects links
within the same page.  That is, links where the url is identical,
ignoring the hash.

>> However, :local-link() also ignores port/scheme which is not typical.
> Isn't it perfectly reasonable to expect that a different scheme/port is running an entirely different application?

Yes, which is why Anne says that we should include port/scheme in the


Received on Thursday, 25 April 2013 19:57:01 UTC