Re: [webcomponents]: Of weird script elements and Benadryl

Wow. What a thread. I look away for a day, and this magic beanstalk is all
the way to the clouds.

I am happy to see that all newcomers are now up to speed. I am heartened to
recognize the same WTFs and grumbling that we went through along the path.
I feel your pain -- I've been there myself. As Hixie once told me
(paraphrasing, can't remember exact words), "All the good choices have been
made. We're only left with terrible ones".

I could be wrong (please correct me), but we didn't birth any new ideas so
far, now that everyone has caught up with the constraints.

The good news is that the imperative syntax is solid. It's nicely
compatible with ES6, ES3/5, and can be even used to make built-in HTML
elements (modulo security/isolation problem, which we shouldn't tackle

I am going to offer a cop-out option: maybe we simply don't offer
imperative syntax as part of the spec? Should we let libraries/frameworks
build their own custom elements (with opinion and flair) to implement
declarative syntax systems?


Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 21:56:44 UTC