Re: Files on IndexedDB

>> Actually, the response in [2] says that we should clarify in the spec
>> that files, blobs and filelists are stored "by value" rather than "by
>> reference". This is not a normative change since the spec already
>> defines this behavior. However the behavior is defined somewhat
>> indirectly which means that it'd make sense to clarify it explicitly.
> Hi Jonas - ok. Would you or one of the other Editors please propose text to
> address this comment so piranna can review it (or check in fix and then
> provide the URL of the changeset)?
Since it seems that definitely expected behaviour is that both File
and Blob and Filelist objects remain the status and content they had
when they were inserted inside the IndexedDB database (unluckily for
me, because I believed and needed to store live user filesystem
objects :-( ), I think saying explicitly that "a copy of the File,
FileList or Blob objects data must be done (being this copied data
stored directly inside the IndexedDB database or in a hidden folder
and later referenced, being whatever used method just an
implementation detail transparent for the IndexedDB API user)" would
be enough.

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Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 10:02:11 UTC