Considering an onincompleteload event

Thought I'd at least open a discussion on the possibility of an onabort 
+ onincompleteload event pair for webpages which would otherwise 
crash/take down the web browser.
We've made it this far without adding such an event.

An example case would be the one-page HTML5 spec; there are some setups 
that just can't load the whole page. There are some other cases where a 
web app simply does not have adequate pagination for results.
It's frustrating to have a page load in front of me, but remain 
inaccessible because the browser is trying to load the whole thing when 
I only need the first screen's height of data.

This conversation continues a little on the concept of an onlowmemory 
event. There seemed to be consensus against supporting such an event. In 
that case, I'd made it clear that such an event would be useful for web 
apps on mobile phones such as the iPhone, where Safari / iOS will 
terminate a running application once it consumes too much RAM. Some 
media heavy web apps (typically using HTML5 Canvas) would be able to 
release some assets upon a low memory event.


Received on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 18:36:30 UTC