Re: [IndexedDB] Processing 16-May-2013 LC comments

Without volunteering (I'm slammed this week and next...)

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 4:59 AM, Arthur Barstow <>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Since the May 16 LCWD of IDB [LC2] ends June 7, I am wondering who is
> going to process the LC comments.
> Here is the list of IDB e-mails and bugs I have logged since the LC was
> published:
> * Files on IndexedDB ;**
> Public/public-webapps/**2013AprJun/0810.html<>; 30-May-2013;
> ^^^ May merit a clarifying comment in the spec that blobs/files/filelist
are stored by value (i.e. a copy of the bytes) rather than by reference. I
didn't think the spec was ambiguous here but we can let the thread play out.

> * Bug 22130**Public/show_bug.cgi?id=22130<>; Modification for IDBObjectStore's clear and delete method ; 21-May-2013 ;
> Kyaw Tun

^^^ A feature request, backwards compatible. No need to include in V1 spec.

> * IDBRequest.onerror for DataCloneError and DataError ;
> 2013AprJun/0741.html<>; 20-May-2013 ; Kyaw Tun <

^^^ Essentially a feature request; doesn't match current implementations.
Could consider for a future spec.

> * request feedback on IDBKeyRange.inList([]) enhancement ;
> 2013AprJun/0738.html<>; 17-May-2013 ; Ben Kelly <

^^^ A feature request, backwards compatible. No need to include in V1 spec.

> * Inform script of corruption recovery ;**
> Public/public-webapps/**2013AprJun/0742.html<>; thread started 11-Feb-2013
> 2013JanMar/0354.html<>
^^^ A feature proposal, backwards compatible. No need to include in V1

> Joshua, Eliot, Jonas - who is going to track LC#2 comments?
> (For reference, the comment tracking document for the first LC is
> [LC1-Comments] and the IDB feature list is [IDB-features].)
> -Thanks, AB
> [LC2] <**IndexedDB-20130516/<>
> >
> [LC1-Comments] <**IndexedDB/raw-file/default/**
> IndexedDB%20Disposition%20of%**20Comments.html<>
> >
> [IDB-Features] <**webapps/wiki/**
> IndexedDatabaseFeatures<>
> >

Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 16:43:52 UTC