Re: Fixing appcache: a proposal to get us started

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 7:02 AM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> The details of the API in this worker is something we haven't looked
> at yet. It's a very big task in and of itself. Fortunately, Alex
> Russell and a few others have worked on a proposal for exactly this at
> [2]. The intent is for these two proposals to be aligned such that
> they work well together. They are already very complementary in their
> feature sets, so this should not be a problem. However this is
> something that we've just started looking at, and since both proposals
> are still under heavy development, I didn't want to wait until they
> are both aligned before publishing what we have so far.
> [2]

So I think working on both makes a lot of sense as the requirements of
one will influence the other in positive ways. However, when it comes
to deploying, I think if we deployed the controller first and see what
kind of feedback we get from library developers down the line and use
that to further influence the development of the declarative model
we'll yield better results. There are many hard problems to solve,
some of which come down to heuristics, and it seems like letting
hundreds of developers experiment rather than a couple of browser
implementers will lead to better results down the line.

Having said, what we need to resolve for both, and I think is one of
the trickier bits, is the life cycle. How is it added, when does it go
into effect, when and how is it replaced, etc.


Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 13:39:39 UTC