Re: [PointerLock] Should there be onpointerlockchange/onpointerlockerror properties defined in the spec

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:59 PM, Vincent Scheib <> wrote:
> I argue on that issue that we should not bubble the event and have the
> handler on document only. Pointer lock doesn't have as much legacy spec
> churn as fullscreen, but I think we're in a position to have both of them be
> cleaned up before un-prefixing.

Okay. Lets kill the bubbling and define the event handlers inline.
Sorry for the delay.

Fullscreen still depends on HTML for <iframe allowfullscreen> and for
HTML terminating fullscreen when navigating. Does pointer lock require
something similar?


Received on Wednesday, 1 May 2013 14:00:32 UTC