Re: roadmap for inclusion of people with cognitive disabilities

sure, that would be great.
Let me know when is good.

All the best


---- On Mon, 22 Apr 2013 21:07:54 +0300 Bryan Sullivan<> wrote ---- 

 If you want to setup an adhoc discussion on your proposal, please let me know and I will join.
 Bryan Sullivan
 On Apr 22, 2013 9:42 AM, "Charles McCathie Nevile" <> wrote:
 Hi Lisa,
 On Sun, 21 Apr 2013 08:52:38 +0300, lisa.seeman <> wrote:
  Over the weekend I put up a (very) draft outline for a roadmap for inclusion of people with cognitive disabilities. See The most relivent part is probebly the specification suggestion at
 Do you think we should set some time at the FTF to see how WebAPPs can fit in?
 Hi Lisa,
 After talking to my co-chair, we believe are not ready to schedule WebApps time for this. The draft is at too early and too conceptual a stage so far. Web Apps generally works on a more or less concrete proposal for a given API or set of APIs (and assocaited markup as relevant).
 We don't think the group has the necessary expertise and understanding to be an effective place to develop the work from its current stage.
 If you will be at the meetings I encourage you to talk to *people* from Web Apps, and explain the direction you are working in, to see if they can offer insight or if you can offerit to them. But I think that at this stage you should be developing this further in WAI before coming back to Web Apps with a potential proposal for work. (There may be resistance there to some of the things you are aiming to do, but it is less than in other places, and there is more expertise there than in other parts of W3C).
 Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex         Find more at

Received on Monday, 22 April 2013 18:20:15 UTC