Re: [IndexedDB] Does "Abort this algorithm" mean "Abort transaction"?

Oh yes, it works great. What a nice twist! I learned IndexedDB for one year
(literally), still not get it.

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:

> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 7:45 PM, Kyaw Tun <> wrote:
> > When ConstraintError occur in 'steps for storing a record into an object
> > store', it said 'Abort this algorithm without taking any further steps.'
> I
> > assume the transaction can be still be used, except that this request
> fail.
> > However both Chrome and Firefox implementation abort transaction. Is that
> > correct behavior?
> The steps run by, for example, objectStore.add is actually "steps for
> asynchronously executing a request".
> This is the algorithm that eventually ends up running the "steps for
> storing a record into an object store".
> The in step 7 of the "steps for asynchronously executing a request",
> if the database operation failed we run the "fire an error event"
> algorithm.
> When this algorithm runs, unless the error Event is cancelled through
> Event.preventDefault(), the transaction is aborted.
> So the transaction isn't always aborted. But it is aborted if the
> error goes unhandled which sounds like is the case for you.
> / Jonas

Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 04:44:36 UTC