Re: CfC: Face to face meeting on Components, 21 June

Thanks for the announcement, Chaals!

Since we will only have a day for this Awesome Web Components Party
(even less than a full day, technically), I want to narrow the topic
down a bit to Shadow DOM and CSS interaction. Here's a quick problem

There are currently several places where Shadow DOM and CSS interact
with each other:
* The shadow tree encapsulation boundaries affect style resolution
* There are switches, such as resetStyleInheritance that provide
controls of how the style is affected
* There's a new @host at-rule, which provides a way for a shadow tree
to affect styling of the shadow host
* There's a new ::distributed() pseudo-element function, which
provides a way for a shadow tree to affect style of the elements,
distributed into insertion points
* There's a method for defining custom pseudo-elements

As real Web developers started poking around the spec and
implementation, a new set of questions/ideas arose (listed in no
particular order):

I thought it would be good to throw some CSS, Shadow DOM, and Web
developer peeps into one large cauldron, season with whiteboards and
felt markers, and stir it vigorously--while maniacally cackling, of
course!--to see what new ideas could come out.


On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 6:19 AM, Charles McCathie Nevile
<> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Dmitry started talking to people about getting together in the Bay Area to
> talk through components, and ended up with a number of people interested.
> Although we are past the deadline for a normal meeting announcement, unless
> anybody objects it is still possible to hold an official meeting.
> This would let us use Zakim to provide remote dial-in, and the chairs feel
> that this is far better than simply having the meeting go ahead pretending
> not to be a webapps meeting.
> We are therefore calling for consensus to let this meeting go ahead despite
> the short notice. Silence will be considered assent, and responses will be
> taken up to the end of the day (midnight in the last timezone) Tuesday 21
> May.
> Assuming we get the go-ahead, an agenda, dial-in details, etc will be made
> available, but the topic for the meeting is the Web Components work.
> for the chairs
> Chaals
> --
> Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
>         Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 18:27:32 UTC