Re: Screen Orientation API: Feedback

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Lars Knudsen <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Having some background in both webapps and actual browser development
> (webkit, Nokia N9), I see a few issues with the current proposal (some
> already mentioned in the mozilla thread about this last year).
> 1. whatever terminology chosen for portrait/landscape and primary/secondary
> it NEEDS to be aligned with the media queries terminology AND values or
> every web developer will have to somehow make their own mapping to handle
> things.

I agree that we should align with media queries.

> 2. IMO, one of the primary reasons for having orientation lock is to be able
> to (finally) do proper accelerometer (DeviceOrientation) based games.  For
> this to work smoothly for the developers, the axis orientation NEED to be
> aligned with the orientation.

I think that the direction that per DeviceOrientation is "up" is
what's *rendered* as "up" and not what's "up" on the hardware. That
way the only difference between a page that's locked in landscape mode
vs. portrait mode is the dimentions of the window, and not the
coordinates that you receive from the deviceorientation events.

This definitely needs to be defined somewhere.

/ Jonas

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2013 14:02:48 UTC