Re: Bringing other Web Components specs into HTML

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jun 2013, Dirk Schulze wrote:
>> On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:41 AM, "Robin Berjon" <> wrote:
>> >
>> > now that <template> is in HTML, I was wondering if some of the other
>> > specs needed the same treatment.
>> Some of the specs can be relevant for other specifications as well.
>> Unless you don't want to integrate the whole web stack (SVG, MathML,
>> ...) into the HTML spec, some things should be separated from HTML.
> I think the main deciding factor should be who is going to maintain the
> text once in the future. With <template>, presumably that's now us (HTML
> spec editors). For most Web component stuff, I assume it's still Dimitri
> and company. Thus they should probably stay in separate specs.

I think this is a nice rule of thumb. We could then refactor
respective specs to better integrate with each other by adding
extension points and removing monkeypatches.


Received on Sunday, 16 June 2013 20:52:12 UTC