www-patentpolicy-comment@w3.org from October 2001 by subject


"forked" standards base

"Lower-layer infrastructure" needs clarification, timing stinks

"NO" on RAND patent policy


"Non-discriminatory" commercial licenses impossible

"Non-discriminatory" patents will kill the web

"PATENT INSIDE" - doesnt work at all

"RAND" policy

"Standards" driven by profit? Sounds proprietary to me!

%20Concerns%20over%20aspects%20of%20PPF&In-Reply-To=%3C3BB84832.72C6E0B @w3.org%3E&References=%3C3BB84832.72C6E0B@w3.org%3E



(Resend) RAND at W3C would reinforce global inequity


--- dont quite understand this

100% Open Standards

10 8 14:00ÿ ߴٴϱ.. ^^v


500 billion not enough for MS?


[fairuse-discuss] Re: [Patents] Richard Stallman re: W3C Patent Policy

[FWD: Please keep "RAND" out of W3 standards]

[news] [ai] FW: RAND is Unreasonable and Discriminatory (fwd)

[OT] Adobe patents

[OT] Re: MSN blocks non-IE browsers: the real idea with RAND "standards"

[Patents] Richard Stallman re: W3C Patent Policy

[WD]: Patents on Web Standards - dropping the petition


[www-patentpolicy-comment] <none>

[xml-dev] [Fwd: W3C ridiculous new policy on patents]

[xml-dev] standards vs. the public

[xml-dev] WWW /= W3C: Has W3C mission changed?

[홍보]유학가격★폭격쎄일★누구나 갈수있는기회!도전하세요!!

A bad idea

A bad policy

A Case for Freedom

A clear NO to RAND licensing

A Comment on the Proposed Patent Policy and the ensuing controversy

A Comment on the Proposed Patent Policy and the ensuing controversy (reformatted)

A few more comments (this time on the specific wording of the "W3C Patent Policy Framework")

A logical appeal to retain RF standards for Web

A Patent is not a standard. Standards are Open. Patents are not.

A plot to destroy W3C

A query about RF

A question.

About PPF

About the patent policy in W3C web standards

About W3C patent policy

About Your Resource

Absurd Patent Policy

Absurd standards

abuse of patents should not extend into standards realm


Additional comments to W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

Additional sources of commentary that I believe the W3C should know about

Additional thoughts against RAND (long, rambling, possibly incoherent)

Additional thoughts against RAND (short)

Adoption of RAND license

advice 20

Advice from a Modem War Survivor

After all your hard work?

Against fees

Against Patent Policy Framework

Against Patent Policy Framework and RAND

against RAND

Against RAND and Patent Policy Framework

Against RAND and Patent Policy Framework working draft

Against RAND from Singapore


Against RAND, patents and lawyers

Against standards incorporating 'patented' technology

Against the new patent policy.

Against the Patent Policy

Against the RAND initiative

Allowing patented software into standards

Allowing Patents on W3C standards will make the w3c redundant

ambiguity of language

America Inc.

Amplie suas vendas

An extended comment on this Web-patent farce

an extraordinarily bad idea

An open standard is only open if it's free

An oxymoron: proprietary standard

Anasil - software network analyzer

Another $0.02 against.

Another boring standard letter which I copied and pasted off the EFF site.

another NO vote for RAND licensing

Another sin of CAPITALISM

another vote against implementing RAND licensing procedures

Anthrax... No, it's NOT a computer virus!

Anti-Trust Issues of RAND


Apple comments on the W3C's proposal

Apple Computer's Statement on the Draft W3C Patent Policy

Apple's RAND licensing, prior art, and the W3C process

Apple's SVG patent

Apple's SVG patent #US5379129

Application Developer

Are You crazy?

are you mad?

As suggested in the GNU WEB site..


Attack on democracy?

Attn: the W3C

Avoid conflicts of interest

Avoid schism -- for the sake of the W3C


Bad Idea

Bad idea.

Best prices 4 print

Bookstore & Library Databases (400+ New Libraries; 175 New Age Bookstores)

Box cutters found in WWW

Branded/Private Label Realtime Internet Travel Booking Engine in Eleven Languages

Breaking off

brief comments


Can't agree

Cease & Desist

Centro de Rehabilitacin mental y tratamiento de adicciones.

Changename: W3C to P3C



charging for use of the web

charging money for e-mail, etc.

Charing for web products

Check Out the Best Prices for Your Toner Cartridges

Choose 3 Free Lipsticks Offer - While Supplies Last

ciao W3C

Clarity is key

Clear Consequences


Comment on patent policy

Comment on proposed policy

comment on RAND

Comment on Rand patent policy

Comment on the Patent Policy Framework draft

Comment on The Patenting Info

Comment on the W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

Comment on W3C's proposed (RAND) Patent Policy

Comment on WC-3 Patent Policy

comment on your patent policy framework draft

Comment period should be extended

Comment to RAND


comments about Patent Policy Framework draft

Comments of Patent policy

Comments on draft Patent Policy Framework

Comments on Janet Daly's statement

comments on patent policy

Comments on Patent Policy Draft

Comments on Patent Policy Framework draft

comments on proposals

Comments on RAND in three sections

Comments on the new patent-policy

Comments on the Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

Comments on the proposal

Comments on the proposed change in patent policy

Comments on the W3C Patent Policy Framework

Comments on the W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

Comments on W3C patent policy

Comments on W3C Patent Policy Framework draft

Comments on W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

comments on W3C's Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

comments RAND licensing

Comments to "In support of EFF's call for a royalty-free licensing model"

common sense

Concerned about patent policy

Concerned about the Patent Policy

Concerning Patents

concerns from Poland

Concerns over aspects of PPF

Concerns raised by new patent policy

Concerns raised by new patent policy / Correction

concrete policy modifications

Conern of the term "reasonable and non-discriminatory royalty fees"

Contribution to W3C consultation

cool link


Current W3C proposal for Patent Policy changes

Cybersource vehemently opposes the W3C Patent Policy Framework proposal

dangerous proposal

Data interchange standards should be patent free (at least w3c recommended ones)

Dear Janet@w3.org

default to RF instead of RAND

Define RAND

Definitely hurting the W3C

destruction of the web...

Disagree with RAND license

Disagreement with new Patent Policy draft


discriminatory patents


Do I understand this issue?

Do not allow patent bound standards!

Do not cater to the large corporations

Do not do this

Do not let patents creep into W3C

Do not let w3c become a tool for big corporations

do not tax the Web

Do you listen to the people?

Do you think about stuff?

Doing a PhD?



Don't add RAND licensing to the W3C process

Don't allow standards based on RAND Licenses

Don't allow standards to be encumbered by patents

Don't be insane!

Don't change now.

Don't do it !

Don't do it!

Don't do it.

Don't drown the spirit of generosity.

Don't emasculate the W3C

Don't go the easy way

don't hide it

Don't make the wrong move on patents

Don't mix standards with patents

Don't put your hands in my pourse !!!

Don't sell out guys...

don't think so

Draft proposal allowing Patents in W3C standards

Earn $50,000 or more in 90 days

Economy & Innovation

Effect of public outrage?[was Re: SVG]

Electronic Frontier Foundation comments

Eliminate RAND option from new patent policy, only allow RF

Employment / HR solution

Enough about RAND

Entirely Against Patent Policy...

Essential Claim question

Established Standards

Eurolinux statement on W3C RAND proposal

Ever read Orwell?



extend comment period please

Extension of comment period

Factually Accurate -- But Bad Representative

failure to communicate

Fatal Weaknesses of the Patent Disclosure Rules: and the Unocal P atent Debacle

Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt


Feedback on the Patent Policy Framework draft

Feedback on the RAND policy


Fees for web standard products

fees for Web-standard products.

Fees on standars, Patents on standars -> BAD IDEA


Firmly against standards 'patents'

Following the Money Trail / Going Backwards on Democracy

Followup to your response: RAND is BY DEFINITION discriminatory

Forbid RAND, require open source compatibility; W3C mission DEMANDS it

Fork to gnuStandards if the W3C hurts the web

Formal Comment on W3C Patent Policy Framework, Working Draft 16

Free Internet, Free Standards

Free money Making Website ! Costs Of Address

Free money Making Website ! Get One Before They R Gone I Got Mine

Free Software compatibility

Free Standards are the foundation of the Internet

Freedom is essential for Innovation



FTC denied Dell patent rights to VESA VL bus in 1996

Further objections, and question for Janet Daly

Future High Level Functionality

Fwd: Patent Policy Comment

Fwd: Play a hilarious prank call

Gartner's viewpoint

GIF royalties

Global Standards require Global Acceptance

Go for it

Good Idea, make the already big companies BIGGER!

Good intentions is the road to hell paved with

great disappointment

Great, just what the web needs...

H.E.L.L.N.O. to R.A.N.D!

Had to happen sooner or later


Hello, your friend recommended openxxx to you

Hello, your friend recommended openxxx.net to you

Help me understand something...


Hey, check this out!

hi :o)

Hi from Nick of 6 ,fuller ave

How dare you!

HP's Proposal for Royalty Free W3C Standards


Human evolution.

I agree with Alan Cox: RAND License on "standard" is not good

I am against the Proposal.

I am appalled that the wc3 is going to patent w3c elements - whose bright idea was/is this?

I am disappointed

I believe the W3C should not endorse Patented Technologies

I do not support this RAND proposal

I don't like it

I object!!

I oppose patented standards

I Oppose RAND

I oppose the proposal

I Oppose the proposed Patent Policy Framework, dated August 16, 2001

I oppose the use of patented technology in w3c standards

I personally oppose this move

I realize this is a bit late...

I recognize only royalty-free standards

I reject a proprietary W3C

I stand in opposition to RAND

I vote for free standards

I'm opposed to the "reasonable and non-discriminatory" (RAND) licensing option

IBM's comment on w3c patent policy

Idiot notion to include patented technology in web standards

IETF Patent Policy

if (RAND) { delete W3C; W3C = NULL; W3C = new CElection }

If WSDL doesn't qualify as low-level infrastructure, this is hopeless

If you feel fees must be charged, could a "sliding" scale be used

If you love them, then run to them.

Ill advised policy

image damage, legitimacy of w3c endangered

Importance of Interoperability and the effects of non RF licenses

in doubt & uncertain

In opposition to patents on the web

In Opposition to RAND

In Response To Proposed Patent Policy

In strong opposition to RAND

In support of EFF's call for a royalty-free licensing model

in support of patent-free standards

Including patented material in open standards is a bad idea...

Incompatible with GPL

Incorporating proprietary formats in any recommendation is a BAD idea!

Incorruptible.com News

Indikator vashego uspeha!!!

INfrastructure vs Appliaction

Innovation and incentive do not require patents


Internet Society France against Patents

Introduction of patents? God forbid!

Iper1 per l'e-commerce

Is Apple's patent valid?

Is the headline: W3C embraces Patent Office policies?

Is the RF license GPL-compatible?

It shouldn't be done

It's too early to change our model

Janet Daley's comments to LinuxToday



Just agreeing with a lot of people on Slashdot, and other places

Just an example

Just don´t do it

Just say no

Just Say No to RAND Licensing

Just say NO!

Just who the heck do you think you are

keep it open please

keep royalties out of the web

keep standards free and open

Keep standards open

Keep the Web (Royalty) Free

Keep the web open and alive

Keep the WWW a free zone

Kees heeft mijn naaktfotos op fotovanmijnex.nl gezet!


Last day of comments, nothing changed

Late but furious

Late comment

Late comment on patents in W3 standards

late comment, PPWG response requested

Latest patent drafts

lawyers & epitaphs

Learn from recent history.

Legal infrastructure in a W3C recommendation ?

Level Playing Field

Liars and Hypocrites

License fees

license fees will never be non-discriminatory

Licensing fees for implementation of standards

Licensing mathematics

Licensing mathematics - Apple patent

Listen to OSI and Mozilla

LiveJournal Opposes RAND

Long live open information!

Looking for Mortgage Leads??? -racbflg

Love of w3c vs. Devotion to free software

LT: Re: Comments on the Patent Policy Framework

maintain free and open interoperability

Make A Chunk Of Money

Make A Little Money

Make some extra money using the internet

Make Some Money


Marketing is the LIFEBLOOD of your Business AYNOC

Maximum Email Profits!

May you please consider revising your draft?

Meta4z.com Website Giveaway!

Mike wanted you to read this.

Mine field of software patents

Money Grubbing

More than simply "don't"

more work for W3C...

Mortgage Leads Available!

Mozilla.org response to the W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

MSN blocks non-IE browsers: the real idea with RAND "standards"

My comment.

my comments

my comments on the Patent Policy for WWW Standards

My concerns

My disquiet at RAND licenses

My objection to Patent of Internet standards

My objection to the patent policy

my opinion on the subject (Web Technology Patent Area)

My thoughts on the Patency Policy draft

My view of the new standard that some jerks are trying to force on the rest of us

Nanotechnology Research funding

Need a Home Loan? Let Us Help!

Negative Feedback

New forums/massage-board. Please join now!

New Friends From Bermuda!?

New list - www-patentpolicy-comment - maintained by djweitzner@w3.org

New Patriotic American Bald Eagle Screen Saver - Free shareware version available for download - Newsletter mz

new policy bad for everyone

New public W3 standards involving RAND licensing conditions.

New RAND policy

New T-shirts screenprints with original art

Next steps in W3C Patent Policy process



no commercial ownership of web

No e-patents at W3C !

No Fees in a free and open organization


No patent

No Patents

No patents on WWW

No patents or license rights on the web!

no patents please



No Rand for Me

No RAND in Patent Policy Framework Draft

No RAND licensing

No RAND Policy!

No Rand.

NO royalty on WWW

No Software Patents

No software patents through the back door


No Subject

No thanks

No to patents

No to patents in W3C standards.

No to RAND

NO TO RAND (even after 11 October!)

No to RAND as it is proposed

NO to RAND Fees

No to RAND licensing

No to RAND!

No To The Patent Policy

No to Unreasonable and Discriminatory Standards

no to w3c patents

NO W3C PATENTS. Open standarts sholud remain open.


NO! to "W3C Patent Policy Framework"

No!! RAND!

No, no no



Non-discriminatory - I don't thnk so

non-free patents have no place in w3c standards

nondiscriminatory (RAND) fees for Web-standard products.

Not a GIF-issue again...please

Not a good idea

Nothing to say but "no"


Objection - Impossible for Small Businesses

Objection to RAND

Objection to RAND Licensing

Objection to the RAND licensing option in the proposed policy.

Objection to W3C patent inclusion in standards

Objections to patent policy

Objections to RAND Licensing Mode activities


oh for god's sake

Oh. You want to destroy the Internet.

OK Janet Daly - Let us SPELL IT OUT for you


on Patent Policy Framework draft

On RAND and patents

On the use of Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory fees

On the W3C and Openness...

Once in a lifetime chance, please read.

One last comment...

One little voice against

One Question.....

open source is open mind

Open Source Public Feedback on RAND licenses

open standards

open standards are the best way to encourage innovation and interoperability

open standards.

Open the W3C to developers or the developers will found a new W3C !!!

Open Web!

open, free standards

Opera Software's postion


Opinion in opposition to RAND provisions of Patent Policy

opinion on patent policy

Opinion on Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

oppose abuse of patent system to limit web free flow of information

Oppose Patents

Opposed to inclusion of patents in standards

Opposed to Patents in Web Standards

Opposed to proposed patent policy

Opposing patent policy

Opposing sections 4 and 5


Opposition to proposed RAND policy

Opposition to RAND Patent Policy

Opposition to RAND Proposal

Opposition to the incorporation of licensed technology- an example from the Airlines

OSI letter of comment on W3C's proposed RAND policy

OT: IETF [was: [www-patentpolicy-comment] <none>]

Part I: General Comments

Part II: A Concrete Alternative


patent and standard are contradictory

Patent Changes would cause problems - but not insurmountable ones.

Patent Comments

Patent compromise?

patent concern

Patent Effects

Patent fees

Patent Fiasco: what the W3C must do

patent inclusion in W3C standards

Patent is not standard

Patent licensing decision

patent logic

Patent Police

Patent Policies

Patent Policies...

Patent Policy

Patent Policy (Read: RAND)

Patent Policy - Setting the bar on "where it is not possible"

Patent Policy - Standardizing patented tech only supports the cor porations

Patent policy change

Patent policy comment

Patent Policy Comment / Objecting to RAND

Patent Policy Comment/Remarks

Patent Policy comments

Patent Policy disapproval

Patent Policy Disaster

Patent Policy Draft

Patent Policy draft.

Patent policy draft: DNAR?

Patent Policy Feedback

Patent Policy for WWW Standards

Patent Policy Framework

Patent Policy Framework Comment

Patent Policy Framework draft

Patent Policy Framework draft and RAND

Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

Patent Policy Framewrok

Patent policy is madness

Patent Policy Issues

patent policy nonsense.

Patent Policy on web standards - my concerns

patent policy reponse

Patent Policy review

Patent Policy Review Period Extended

Patent Policy Threatens Advancement

Patent Policy Threatens Technological Advancement

patent policy vs open source and free software

Patent Policy Working Group

Patent Policy Working Group]

Patent policy: RAND

Patent Response

Patent-free standards


Patented Internet standards are wrong

Patented Product Lines as Standards.

patented protocols.

Patented Specification hinder development of free software alternatives

Patented standard

Patented Standards

Patented standards are not standards.

Patented Standards?

Patentented Standards Are Harmful



patents & standards


Patents = Friction

Patents = Web only for the RICH

Patents and standards

Patents and Standards = bad idea

Patents and Standards: two competing philosophies

patents and the 3w

Patents and the WWW

Patents are damage

Patents are dangerous to open standards

Patents don't belong on the WWW

Patents For What Purpose ????

Patents Have No Place in Open Standards, Period

Patents have no place in standards

Patents have no place in web standards

Patents in standards and national sovereignty

patents in W3C standards

Patents not in the best interest of the web community

patents on the web

Patents on W3C Standards

Patents or Standards - Choose One.

Patents Policy

Patents restrict progress

patents unacceptable in open standards

Patents violate founding principle of w3.org

Patents vs Standards

patents vs. open standards

Patents will break Internet

Patents will kill the standards

Patents will undermine useability

Patents within standards

patents: whaddyew, crazy?


PATO: Collective Security In the Age of Software Patents

Paying to develop the Web?

PC FLORIPA Informtica - Tudo para seu computador

Personal request

PersonalDB.net 회원으로 초대받으셨습니다.


Play a hilarious prank call

plea against RAND patents in W3C standards

Please do not stop innovation in its' tracks

please don't

Please don't allow pattented technology into web standards

Please don't shackle the web

please don't!

Please fax two copies of your promotional literature to 08717171250.

Please keep ALL standards free of RAND patents

Please keep the W3C standard royalty free

please look at the bigger picture!

Please protect my freedom

Please re-think patent policy.

Please Reject the Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

please rethink your policies regarding patents and RAND,

Please Rethink Your Policy

Please, no more patent

Please, no RAND

Please: Keep the Internet Royalty Free!

Plese, no RAND!!


Policy is self-contradictory and could sideline W3C

Policy requires definitions, remedies, guarantees

Potential Anti-trust issues with new rulling...

Power corrupts.. can you feel it?

PPF contradicts W3C's own mission.

PPF draft

Pre-Approved $5000 Platinum Credit Card !

privatizing the open standards process

problem #1: the authors

Problem with a point-by-point response


Procedural problem

Proposal for clarification of RAND licence definition.

Proposal for defining acceptability of RAND licensing model.

Proposal for modification to Member Patent Licensing Commitments.

Proposed Changes in W3C patent policy

Proposed patent policy

Proposed Patent Policy - The Antithesis of W3C

Proposed Patent Policy Framework

Proposed Patent Policy will not benefit the w

Proposed Patent Royalty Policy for WWW

Proposed RAND Licensing arrangements

Proposed RAND Patent Policy

Proposed RAND Policy

proposed standards

proposed W3C patent policy

Propposed RAND standand

Protect the future before it's too late!!

Protect your family from cell phone radiation

Protect your life !

Protect yourself !

public comment

Public comment on the Patent Policy Framework

Public Comments

Public Comments on the W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

public opinion on W3C

Publicity For Less - (Specialty Media Lists Available)

Quality conferencing at a low cost

Raising the wrong bar

RAMBUS Revisited


RAND "standards"

RAND & W3C Standards

RAND (no kidding :)

RAND - feeding corporate greed.

RAND - why be different?

RAND / Patent: NO !

RAND = BAD idea


RAND a bad idea

RAND already being assumed for SVG

RAND already damaging W3C imho

RAND and Free Software

RAND and Rolalty-Free Licensing Mode

RAND arguments...

RAND bad, RF Good

RAND Comments

RAND comments.

RAND compromise

RAND considered harmful

RAND Definition

RAND direction proposal

RAND equals No Standard

RAND fees



RAND has no justifiable rationale

RAND implies more changes

RAND inclusion

RAND inconsistent with W3C Mission

RAND invalidates W3C's mission

RAND is a bad Idea

RAND is a Thought Policeman's Charter


RAND is bad. You folks are Liars. Yes, I read it. Comments below.

RAND is incompatible with free/opensource implementations

RAND is inviting further abuse

RAND is not bad, but we're concerned about the W3C

RAND is Orwellian doublespeak

RAND is the problem

RAND is Unreasonable and Discriminatory

RAND is Unreasonable and Discriminatory!


RAND isn't; Response misleading

RAND Licence

RAND licencing proposal

RAND licencing will re-define meaning of "standard"

RAND licencing would lead to incompatibility problems

RAND License

RAND license: no grazie

RAND licensing

RAND licensing = Bad Idea

RAND licensing and Free Software

RAND licensing is a bad idea

RAND licensing is bad

RAND Licensing is Counterproductive

RAND licensing mode bad idea

RAND Licensing Option

RAND licensing option is not sensible

RAND Licensing Policy

RAND licensing proposal.

RAND licensing should not be allowed

RAND licensing would have negative effect.

RAND objection

RAND patent licensing

RAND Patent Policy - Against

RAND patents

RAND Patents: A great thing

RAND Patents: A great thing <= So VERY wrong and misguided

Rand Policy

RAND policy et. al.

RAND Policy for web standards

RAND policy objection

RAND policy of W3C

RAND Policy Will Destroy The Internet

Rand policy!

RAND policy. reasonable and nondiscriminatory

RAND Proposal

RAND proposal - obsolescence of W3C

RAND Proposals


RAND vs RF patents

RAND vs Universal Access; many other loopholes

RAND will be disastrous for the web

RAND will destroy the credibility of W3C

RAND will destroy the net.

RAND Will Discredit the W3C

RAND will either kill W3C or the internet

RAND will fragment the web

RAND Will Kill Open Source

RAND will kill the W3C's future

RAND-modified: Can a clause o ETERNAL waiving of licensing fees for open-source implementations for RAND?

RAND: A Bad Thing

RAND: Misguided, Wrong

RAND: sounds like end of free web software, originator of WWW & W3C

RAND: This is the first time I've felt bad when pondering the W3.

RAND: What is reasonable?

Read your profile.......... :)

Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory ?

reasonable and nondiscriminatory (RAND) fees for Web-standard products

Reasonable license fees for reference and free implementations

Reasons not to accept patents into standards

Recall: Re: HP's Proposal for Royalty Free W3C Standards

Recent Patent Policy Framework Draft

Regarding patents

Regarding recent Patent Policy Framework draft

Regarding the Patent Policy

Regarding the proposed RAND patents

Regarding the use of patented technologies in standards

Reject RAND

Reject the Patent Policy Framework.

Reject this proposal

reject using patents as basis of any W3C standard

Request for clarification on specifics and agenda

Request for extension of comment period

Request for feedback.

Request to extend public comment period

Require royalty-free licenses for standards

Resist RAND

Responding to RAND


Response to Public Comments on Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

Response to Public Comments on the W3C Patent Policy Framework

Response to Public Comments on the W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

response to RAND Patent proposal

Response to the RAND licencing proposal

Response to the response to public comments

Response to the W3C Patent Policy Framework Policy Draft

Review procedure

Revised patent policy proposal

RF > RAMMED * Deadline extension? * W3C should serve the PUBLIC interest

RF > RAMMED ... sorry, I screwed up a link...

RF and RAND standard policy

RF only, please.


RF-only is much better

RF: It's not done until it's done

Richard Stallman re: W3C Patent Policy


Risks to content (digital rights management) in proposed framework

Road rules aren't patented, why should protocols be?


Royalties are discriminatory.

royalties for web standards? no !

Royalty Based Standards

Royalty fees, patents, and the web.

Royalty free ?!?

Royalty Free YES, rand NO

Royalty on Patents

Royalty-based standards

Royalty-free (RF) is the only acceptable 'compromise'

Royalty-free for GPL implementations

Royalty-free licenses, PLEASE

Royalty-free patents only, please

Royalty-free standards

royalty-free web standards

sack members


SAME! RAND clearly wrong for standards

Say It Ain't So, Joe

say no to patent

Say No To RAND

say NO to RAND licensing

Scenarios related to PPG Proposal

SchemaSoft comments on 16 Aug 2001 W3C Patent Policy Framework

Science != Bussiness

Science-based design and development

seed corn

Selling out to special interests on Patent Policy

Setting Standards for the On-line Community


Shame on W3c

Shame on you! More time for comments, and "NO" to W3C-sponsored abuse


Since when is the web for sale?

Six issues

slashdot discussions

Slightly off-topic: the 'patented' technologies in SVG

So-called "Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory" licensing IS discriminatory ...

so...how much is Microsoft paying you?

SoftQuad Software's comments on the patent policy

Software development / ref:1603

software patents

Some of my reasons for objecting to the Patent Policy and RAND

somethin smell fishy

Something that scares me

Sorry to see this happening

Standard + RAND = Monopoly

standard vs. patent


Standards and patents

Standards are for everybody - not just for companies with an IP-law and royalty budgets

Standards are to be STANDARD by Definition

standards require RF

Standards should help education

standards vs. the public

Start a home business

Stay Open


stop it RAND

Stop it Stop it!

Stop it!

Stop Paying For Porn! Join 4 Free Is Here! 27285338

Stop the RAND Fees!

Stop this... It's a shame


Strongly disapprove


stupid idea


Such a sad state of affairs

Suggestions for alternative procedure

Summary of 15-17 October 2001 Patent Policy WG Face-to-Face meeting available

Summary of 25 October 2001 Patent Policy WG Teleconference

supply silicon metal and magnesium ingots

Support for Chris Lilley's comments. Against licensing fees payable for W3C Web standards.

Support for Open-Source

Support only patent-free technology

Support Open Web Standards

Supporting software patents undermines credibility of W3C



SVG ad inf.

SVG: "nothing at all" is better than RAND

SVGA 1.0 uses RAND -> DO NOT ! implement it, DO NOT ! use it

Talkback: Will the W3C Destroy the Web

Talking Hand Held Dictionary Translator...

Thank You


Thanks but no thanks.

The argument against patented protocols is not ideological, it is pragmatic

The Burden of Proof

The Death of the W3C Foretold

The end??

The general public will fight back

The internet should be available to the masses, not just the rich and educated

The issues

The main impetus for this may be from Microsoft

The mechanics of standards

The Once and Future Web

The Once and Future Web - a proposal

The open-source community demands the immediate withdrawal of the proposal for a new W3C Patent Policy !!!!

The Patent Policy Framework

The proposed change

The protection is needed, the patents are not

The RAND proposed in the Patent Policy Framework

The Social/Political Role of the W3C

The thin end of the wedge?

the W3C has a virus

The W3C kills oneself .

The W3C Patent Policy Framework Working Draft is totally unacceptable

The W3C Patent Policy undermine the W3C credibility and neutrality.

The Web is not just for business

The web used to be a truly open medium...

The web wouldent be the same

The well of ideas

the worst idea for web

there is no need for this

There Was Once a Vision of a Free Internet

They are farming us!

Think about it

Think about our great great grand children.

This developer strongly opposes "RAND" proposal


This is bad, and can't possibly work.

This is not a good idea

This is Wrong...

This must be stopped

This says is all

Thoughts on your Patent proposal

Three substantial comments

Tim Berners-Lee [was: SVG ad inf.]

Tim Berners-Lee, what is your stance on RAND?

Time for a new W3C, this one's been hijacked

to RAND or not to RAND

Too many lawyers, not enough common sense.


Turning the W3 into an impenetrable oligarchy

Two things

uh hmmm


Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

Upcoming Patent Policy

Use of `RAND' patents

Uselicensing in W3C standards

Vague definitions involve a vague future.


Versus RAND

Voice against the use of pateneted standards on the web

Vote agains the "RAND" policy.

Vote no on rolaties

Vous vendez des vhicules

W3 recommendations covered by patent(s)

w3.org renamed to w3.com and retired


W3C - Self examination time!

W3C and the Promotion of Fee-based Standards for the Web

w3c have been like a drug broker as japanese mafia?

W3C members [was: Your RAND dreams]

W3C Must Insist on Royalty-Free patent licenses

w3c patent "policy"

W3C Patent Policy

W3C Patent Policy - A Comment

W3C Patent Policy - can we please rename the W3C to USW2C!

W3C Patent Policy - FOR

w3c patent policy changes

W3C Patent Policy Comments

W3C patent policy frameword

W3C Patent Policy Framework

W3C Patent Policy Framework Comments

W3C Patent Policy Framework Proposal

W3C Patent Policy Framework working draft

W3C Patent Policy Recommendations

W3C Patent policy- ? why

W3C Patent Policy/RAND Licensing Agreement

W3C Patent Policy: Bad for the W3C, bad for business, bad for users

W3C Patent Policy: maybe a glimpse of a bigger picture

W3C patents proposal

W3C policy

W3C Policy Breakdown

W3C position on patents / business methods

W3C proposal could allow patent grabs on standards

w3c proposal on patents

w3c RAND licence

W3C Responds

W3C should not split the WWW

W3C sows seeds of its own destruction.

W3C standards

w3c standards and patents

W3C standards shaped by members' patents

W3C standards should be free

W3C standards should remain unencumbered by patents.

W3C's Response to Public Comments on the Patent Policy Framew ork Working Draft

W3C's Response to Public Comments on the Patent Policy Framework Working Draft

W3C.....Follow The Money...

w3c: patent (entrance barrier)

WaSP to W3C: Remember Your Mission


WC3 Patent Policy

We have to ACT

We must fork the SVG standard (was: SVGA 1.0 uses RAND -> DO NOT ! implement it, DO NOT ! use it)

We must fork the SVG standard (was: SVGA 1.0 uses RAND ->DO NOT ! implement it, DO NOT ! use it)

wealthocracy corrupting meritocracy - funding strategy proposal

WEB infrastructure and RAND

Web page

Web Patents

Web Standards

Web Standards should avoid patents

Web standards should be free!

web standards should NOT be patented !

Web standards, W3C and others.

web-patent policy comments

Well, its been fun...

Well-intentioned but misguided ?



What ? are you crazy

what ??

what a sham

what are you doing?!

What are you doing???

what are you thinking????

What are you, idiots?

What happened to free speech?

What he said

What if we all follow your idea

What is "reasonable" anyway?

What is reasonable?

What to do about the W3C?

What's a Standard?


When is RAND fair

Who do you think you are??????????


Why "non-discriminatory" _is_ discriminatory

Why a RAND? W3 & Microsoft/IE --

Why are you choosing the wrong way?

Why did I have to hunt for this list?

Why do you want to go here today?

Why I have not spoken personally about the patent policy issue

Why RAND is a bad idea

Why RAND will kill the W3C

why software patents can not be non-discriminatory

Why standards then?

Why the sudden change of mind from W3C?

why the W3C should reject RAND

Will The W3C Destroy The Web?

World Wide Web Consortium - Patent Policy Working Group

World Wide Web Consortium Patent Policy (RAND)

World Wide Web Consortium Patent Policy Working Group

Would it be the end of W3C standards as standards ?

Wrong thing going RAND

WWW /= W3C: Has W3C mission changed?

WWW Patent Policy

WWW Patent Policy makes same mistake as dead dot-coms

www Power Grab





YOU are completely selfish & greedy

you guys are crazy

You guys must be nuts!

You need to rethink your preposal about patented tech.

You're digging your own grave with this...

your comment

Your Engineering web site is NOT Being SEEN!


Your free listing @ JabbasPalace.com

Your greed

Your policy STINKS

Your policy.

Your RAND dreams

Your Technology Sucks!

Zolera patent policy comment





ȭ ġ ~~~

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2001 16:07:28 UTC