Propposed RAND standand

Dear W3C:

I believe that your proposal for RAND standards for the internet is a
very bad idea.  The internet has exploded precisely because it has use
open standards.  As the 21th century "printing press" I think it is
imperative that the internet operate on open, royalty-free standards.
We cannot allow the internet to be controlled by a few large
multinational companies.

                             Edward Diehl
                     Assistant Research Scientist
           271 West Hall               Office: 734-936-9662
           University of Michigan      Fax:    734-936-6529           
           500 E. University Ave       Sec'y:  734-764-4442          
           Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120    Email:

Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 18:02:20 UTC