extend comment period please

I have been a "freelance" W3C evangelist for a some time now.
I wrote an article, even, about how important the w3c is for web 
developers and the web.  http://www.alistapart.com/stories/strange/

I'm very concerned about the patent issues.  I only heard about this 
move yesterday (Sunday), am only beginning to comprehend the 
implications today.

The text
is not something that can be easily read and understood in a sitting, 
even by me, with my excellent reading-comprehension and two English 

Many of us have had our lives horribly disrupted over the past few 
weeks.   We need time to recover, we need time to comment 

At least offer another six weeks.  And if during that time, the 
peoples' response to the "draft" is overwhelmingly negative... do the 
right thing and ditch it.


Erika Meyer

Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 18:05:08 UTC