RF and RAND standard policy

I urgently request the W3C to maintain standard royalty free.

I think RF standards are the only way to ensure world-wide adoption and so
world-wide interoperability.
Proposals embedding patented software (and claims for roylaties) are not
world-wide standards and always lead to non-interoperability.
Standards are the basis of software interoperability and people
communication, they created solely for that purposes. A RF standard is the
guarantee to have interoperable product, otherwise what happen ? Another
group of companies tired or non willing to pay royalties will group
together to make a new consortium to develop new standards ...

The world requires RF standards (see png versus gif, instead of made
enhacements to an existing standard, a new one has been created to avoid
patented software..., the SVG license  recent changes may lead to a reject
of this standard...)

RF standards are built by the willingness of companies (people) to
cooperate together in order to built more interoperable product. That's
made the sucess of the internet.

I cannot reply earlier since the W3c site was not available for 2 weeks
after the attentat of the 11 september.

Bernard SNYERS
Software Architect

Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 04:17:06 UTC