- From: Guille -bisho- <bisho@onirica.com>
- Date: 03 Oct 2001 22:45:00 +0200
- To: www-patentpolicy-comment@w3.org
Internet is what we currently now because its free. And free in the aspect of the protocols used. Anybody could write new things following the standars and this gaves Internet a lot of innovation. Get navigators following the W3 standars has take years. Now W3 has a strong position in the adoption of standars in the industry. Allowing patent standars will hurt seriously the interoperativity of Internet, will block open source projects and will stop the innovation in the net. I whish W3 will not accept this proposal and continue its labour in the standarization of a free Internet. -- .,,, Guillermo Pérez -(03/10/2001)- _' .,,,, - bisho@ ( onirica.com | eurielec.etsit.upm.es ) <·)/ ,'' ( \/ :: EURIELEC: Club de estudiantes de la ETSIT :: bisho! ``\\ :: (http://www.eurielec.etsit.upm.es/) ::
Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2001 16:46:39 UTC