RAND compromise

It seems that the RAND objections boil down to
"It will be illegal to create free or low-cost

I think this could be resolved by requiring 
that all RAND licenses be at least offered on a 
percentage basis.  

This would require some fine print; basically 
there should always be an option to license the 
whole package for no fixed fee, and no more than
10% royalties.  The exact percentage may have to 
decrease depending on which other RAND
recommendations are also included in the product.

Large corporations might still choose the 
one-time fee to lower their unit costs, but 
small companies *could* still compete,
so long as they reserved 10% of their sales
price to cover the Intellectual Property.

Free software would also remain possible, 
as 10% of nothing is still free.


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Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2001 12:00:08 UTC