RAND is Unreasonable and Discriminatory!

I would like to add my name to the list of people who
think liscened technologies should not be used as

Alan Cox descrbes the problems well, in short:

The Internet serves humanity best by being
a non-discriminatory public forum. In order for this
to be the case, there must be minimal barrier to
Adopting license encumbered technologies as a part of
the standards of the World Wide Web would create a
barrier to smaller enterprises and individuals.

Liscened technologies would still be allowed, just not
pushed in such a way as to make it difficult or
impossible to for the free software and small
enterprise to flourish.

thank you,


perl -00lane 'for(map{$F[int rand($=+($(%10+$_>>n+$(+$%**$=))]} @F){$#a>4&&last;$a[$#a++]=(/^(\S{1,5}$)/) if $1} push @a,@F[int rand($>*($$%10*$=)/$#a),rand($=*($(%10))] for 0..rand($))%10;print "\n",$a=pop @a,"\n","-" x length($a);while(@a){print join " ", splice(@a,rand($#a+1),rand($))%10)}' /usr/dict/words
 #once again a slight improvement (any Aarhus? you tell me)

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Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2001 15:29:41 UTC