Additional sources of commentary that I believe the W3C should know about

Dear Working Group,

I am aware that this mailing list is the propper place to submit 
commentary to be considered by you regarding the Patent Policy Draft, 
but there are many other places where people are commenting on your 
document and the issues involved and I just want to bring those to your 

The oppinions expressed on the above mentioned websites, discussion 
forums, articles and the like are not mine, I'm merely directing your 
attention towards them as potential sources of further comments - there 
are many others as well, the above is just the tip of the iceberg.

/Jesper Juhl

   RAND licensing can never be non restrictive and/or non discriminatory 
to everyone.
   Please reject it and allow only Royalty Free licensing.

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 09:55:01 UTC