web-patent policy comments

    World Wide Web Consortium
    Patent Policy Working Group

      Dear W3C Patent Policy Working Group:

      I'm concerned about the recent Patent Policy Framework draft, which
      could allow W3C members to charge royalty fees for technologies
      included in web standards.

      In particular, I object to the inclusion of a "reasonable and
      non-discriminatory" (RAND) licensing option in the proposed policy.
      I believe that the exclusive use of a "royalty-free" (RF) licensing
      model is in the best interests of the Internet community, and that
      RAND licensing would always necessarily exclude some would-be
      implementors, especially among open source and free software

      I belive that the internet still needs significant evolution and growth
      and that restrictions such as patents and implementation fees will
      stifle that necessary growth.   Please reconsider your position on this.

      If this RAND licensing is included, other standards bodies will be created
      to create standards that avoid this problem and that more clearly reflects
      the needs of the global internet community.  The resulting splintering
      effect on the internet standards will harm all involved in the internet
      community and it's economy.

      I urge you to keep your primary position in defining standards which
      allows for a better future for the internet, by keeping to your
      tradition of providing  open-source license free reference
      implementations of the standards.

      The W3C can best continue its work of "leading the Web to its full
      potential" by continuing this tradition, and saying no to RAND licensing.


      Tyler Morrison
      Haiku Software Inc.

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 13:22:39 UTC