W3C position on patents / business methods


The W3C's position on patents / business methods should be to avoid
the ridiculous and closed-minded position currently adopted by the

Please stick only to Open ideas, methods, etc.  Do NOT do anything
at all which even slightly endorses RAND or similar nonsense.  The
USA has taken a wrong turning as regards intellectual property.  The
W3C should set a better example.

Historically RFCs have been pretty successful, due largely to being
Open, free, etc.  Don't change that!

So, for example, in the Overview change the last sentence of the
final para from:
> Where that is not possible, the new policy will provide a framework
> to assure maximum possible openness based on reasonable,
> non-discriminatory (RAND) licensing terms.
> Where that is not possible, the new policy will provide a framework
> to assure full openness with no licensing terms.
I'm not sure the word "new" is needed. :-)

I must say I'm concerned that the authors of the Draft do not appear
to be disinterested parties.  Certainly their employers are not.



Received on Thursday, 18 October 2001 09:38:18 UTC