Good Idea, make the already big companies BIGGER!

orld Wide Web Consortium
Patent Policy Working Group 

  Dear W3C Patent Policy Working Group,

I am appalled that the W3C would even think about letting already large companies become even larger with the RAND license arrangement. 

I am a webmaster myself for my own homepage and like to learn the different ways that I can do thins, and the different things that I can do with my page. I do not have the money to be giving to these greedy companies in order to keep them on top, and do not wish to.

I have always applauded the W3C for your work on and around the net to keep things fair, and moving in the right direction. I feel that if this passes, then all the work that you have done in the past is worthless, and there is no reason for you to go on.

What exactly is a “reasonable” fee? Reasonable for the average guy spending $9,000 a year to attend college, or for the large companies that have millions to spend on anything that they want?

What about the little companies that this could possibly put out? With the financial problems that we are facing, this is going to hurt many people. Here are the small companies thinking how they can bring in a little more money so they don’t have to lay off more people, and then the big companies thinking how can we get more money to stuff in our already big pockets!

Thanks for your time.
Brian Lemieux

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 08:05:44 UTC