After all your hard work?

I have been distracted by recent political events, and come to this newly,
and am surprised.

Has the world turned here, too? Until recently I presumed that we were all
hoping and working for a web devoid of destructive proprietory standards.
Esperanto is having a desperate struggle out in the real world, but we
seemed to be doing very well in web land.

I cannot think of anything good about including patented technology into web
standards. It will stifle creativity of programming and web design, impinge
on freedom of expression, force people out of business. Ultimately the
policy will backfire - (many such things have patented themselves out of
existence), but not before it has ruined the web, our livelihoods and the
quality of the whole on line experience.

Please rethink. The profit must be made elsewhere - outside of the standards
arena. Otherwise, here's to a minimalist future.

Ali Lister
Creative Director
Jazztech Solutions Limited
Nottinghamshire UK

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 15:08:14 UTC