Bad Idea

To whom it may concern,

  I am very disappointed in the W3C wanting to allow patended (fee based) 
technology to go into the WWW standard.  I feel that allowing this will cause a 
monopoly of the WWW and that inovation will be stifled.  The idea of the WWW 
was to allow people from all over the world to collaborate freely and what you 
are proposing will go against that completely.  Everywhere we turn the WWW is 
being taken over by certain companies to comform to their "standards" to make 
things easier and push others away.  This CAN NOT be allowed.  We need to allow 
innovation and standards to be brought about by an independent group that is 
looking out for the interests of the whole and not the few.

Mike Plemmons

Received on Monday, 8 October 2001 16:04:21 UTC