keep royalties out of the web

The fastest, most positive advances in computer software, as hindered
by the selfish warring between the many proprietary computer software
vendors, have all been centered around a piece of Free software or a
royalty-free open standard, or better still: both.  These key bits of
lagniappe have created the fertile ground on which your avaricious
patent efforts stand.

RAND-like licensing has no place in any standards organization
governing computer software, where a traditional-duration patent is
like an aeon to more mature, slower moving industries.

If some portion of web standards becomes royalty-tainted, I will
fervently support a free software schism.  But I would of course
prefer it if the patent lovers who seek to create a strangle-hold on
"open" standards would not force my hand.

Thank you for reading.

Dan Stromberg                                               UCI/NACS/DCS

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2001 21:00:26 UTC